Accusing Devil

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Accusing the Devil!

"Tell me what you saw, Miss Sibel Kara!"

Sibel stood up before the court, with her family behind her. To her left was the prosecutor, and to her right was Sinbad and his advocate. Sinbad's family was also present.

"My friend Esra called me there because she wanted to ask me something very important. She sounded like she was crying. I became more worried and went to her. The sun was still warming the earth, so it wasn't late as my family usually did not let me go out after sunset. I saw Esra arguing with someone I couldn't initially see. I heard a slap, and she backed off. I wanted to go to her when I heard a gunshot and saw a body fall to the ground. I was scared, so I hid myself, but I raised my head to see who shot."

"Do you see the man who shot your friend here?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes, he is here!" she said, tears streaming down her face.

"Who did it, miss?"

"He did it!" she said, pointing at Sinbad with her eyes filled with pure hate.

"I didn't do it! You are lying! Tell the truth! I won't bother you anymore, but tell the truth!" he yelled, attempting to approach her, but the guards stopped him.

"I never tell lies, I only speak the truth! You are a monster who took the life of a young girl for pure pleasure!"

"You are keeping your word, but I swear I will make you pay dearly for this lie!" he yelled at her.

"Am I telling a lie? So, you weren't there with a gun in your hand, pointing it at her?" she demanded.

"She was alive, I just shot at the stones to scare her because she was saying nonsense about you! The slap was because she called you a slut, which she was right about. You are just a lying slut!"

"Watch your mouth when you speak to me. I am not a slut, I am Sibel Kara!" she said, staring at him as if she could burn him with her gaze.

"After hearing the testimonies and reviewing all the evidence, the court has decided to convict the accused and sentence him to 30 years in East Prison."

"Dear Honorable, I am innocent, that girl is lying! This is a trap!" he yelled as the police took him away.


"I can't believe that this nightmare had to happen to me, Mum."

"Sibel, it's over now, sweetie. Look ahead, you have a dream to fulfill," Adalet encouraged her little rose.

"And we'll be there in the front row, applauding for you, sis."

"Thank you, Ismail abi (bro)!"

"Come on, guys. She won't stay there forever. She'll come back again!" said Adem, hiding his tears.

"Come here, you! I will miss you the most, bro! Who will mess with me over there?" She hugged them both.

"And your old man, won't you miss me?" her father interjected. It wasn't often to see Ahmed Kara with tears in his eyes, but his little one always managed to bring out his emotions. She ran into his arms, sobbing.

"I will miss all of you! I love you all! And please come to my concerts. I will make you proud to be my family!"

"We are proud of you, our little prophet!" said a woman standing behind them.

"Peri, you came?! Thank you, sis. I would have been sad without your blessing!"

"You are my little sister, my soul, my blood! May God bless you and give you only goodness on your path," Peri exclaimed for others her dua and continued whispering after hugging Sibel. "Don't come back anymore, my dear. Start your life there. This desert world will only hurt you. Listen to me, the soul of my soul!"

Peri was forced to marry an older man, three years her senior, when she was 15. The horror she lived through there, she never shared with anyone, but Sibel witnessed her bruises on many occasions. This is why Sibel fears getting engaged in this place where women are treated like slaves.

She bid her family farewell and vowed not to return until she could stand on her own feet.


"Welcome to your Personal Inferno," smirked the guard who was escorting Sinbad to his cell. East Prison was infamous for its torture and was where the worst prisoners were held.

Sinbad's personal inferno began, but would it be enough for him to lose his humanity and become the Devil she had seen when he threatened her?


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