Let me show you Rome!

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Chapter 51 

Let me show you Rome!

I guess even in the eternal city people aren't used to seeing other people sleeping inside the car. So one of them knock at the window becoming like this an alarm for the sleepyhead family to wake up.  

During night Mert stirring found himself on the floor. The bump was enough to wake him and look around to find himself inside  the SUV as his parents were curled on each other embrace. His mom was refuged inside his father chest keeping her head inside his crook. 

One hand of his father was acros his mom shoulder as the other rest over her lap. Than he remember why it felt familiar the pillow he landed his head. A smile cover his face as he rose up and set across them on the seat on front looking at them he fall asleep happy. 

Didn't passed too much and the empty space Mert left woke Sibel  and in fear start looking for him waking Sinbad in process. 

"Sibel what happened?"

"Sinbad, Mert is gone. Please find him." She cried in desperation as Sinbad open the light and there was their baby sleeping curled over the seat.

Didn't think twice and she knelt before her boy, caressed his hair, inhaled his baby aroma and let a kiss over his head. Sinbad covered the boy with his jacket and dragged Sibel, unwilling to leave her boy, yet she let him put her body over his lap as her eyes were over her baby.

" He is fine Sibel" Sinbad whispered as hold her for dearest life inside his chest.

In the time being, Sibel woke first after her Sinbad and in the end Mert. 

"Buongiorno famiglia!" 

"Buongiorno tesoro mio!" Was Sibel sweet voice.

"Günaydın ailem!"greeted Sinbad and both mother and son laugh.

"What?!" Sinbad asked the duo.

"Nothing!" The duo said as they looked away. Sinbad saw them with suspicion.

The concussion outside made them step out of vehicle to calm down the gathering now that Carabinieri were there too.

Upon seeing Sinbad all of them laugh making him angry but as soon as he saw his mischievous family laughing he didn't care for the rest.

" You both go home as I bring breakfast." Sibel said and then turned to the crowd.

"Smettila di ridere di qualcosa che può succedere a tutti noi.(Stop laughing on something that can happen to all of us)" She showed her attitude toward them, something that Sinbad didn't miss. As soon as he arrived home found a mirror and there his half face had a  stamped mark  engraved in his skin looking like a banana that for most of those with a dirty mind could look different.

I think you get it?!🤫😉

He laughed too but something more trigger his heartbeat. 

The way she defended him.

By splashing a couple times the face and the engraved mark was gone. 

The door bell rang and Mert open.

" What you bought mum?!" The boy grabbed the groceries bag as the smell of it was too invited.

"Put them on the kitchen table I will come to fetch them for us."

"Oh don't worry mum, I can do that you take time to change and wash face."

As soon as she stepped inside the room she found herself in the arm of him that hugged her behind making a beat skip from her heart and of course she gasped too.

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