"Rouge cheeks"

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Chapter 40

"Rouge cheeks" 

"You" Sibel blinked her eyes as he was standing before her with his laboring breath staring back at her.

"Dad, what are you doing here?!" Mert questioned looking at his watch, as per his cualculation his father should be in their Oriental home by now.

"You sent me the voicemail when I was flying. As soon as I landed I opened it and I took the next flight to come back here." He explained as she was still baffled on her spot.

 Like he is in his own home went toward the kitchen, opened the fridge and took a water bottle.

"I never thought that you would come back with simple a voicemail." Mert continued as Sinbad wasn't removing his eyes from her at the same time quenching his thirst.


He just landed on Oriental state and first thing was to open his phone. There was a voicemail from Mert.

Immediately he opened.

"Dad mum just turned back from Andrea's house and had been crying since than. Something very bad must have happened between them. She also raised her voice against me something that had never happened before when he comes as per bringing her car. I don't know what to do dad. She needs you. Please come back soon!"

Sinbad didn't think twice and went toward the reception and asked for the next flight to Rome.

"Next flight to Rome will be tomorrow, sir, as there are aspecting storms to hit the city tonight."

Sinbad couldn't just wait for tomorrow, what if she is in a terrible state and Mert can't do anything about it. Was left with the option to use his own way.

"Hakan I am going back to Rome as a last minute emergency occurred. I am taking the private jet."

"Why do you call me Sinbad when you have decided what to do anyway?!"

"Just to let you know Love so you don't get worried for me!" Sinbad cracked his usual joke knowing well that Hakan will be infuriated by now.

"You seriously make me repent for saving your ass-life!" Hakan retorted furiously that it made Sinbad laugh.

"I love you too baby!" Sinbad couldn't stop himself for laughing although his sentimental life wasn't what he prefers at the moment yet diverting his worries just to annoy his best friend-enemy worked to soothe the pain.

"Joke apart, how are you asshole?" Hakan read as always beyond the words.

"I am dying without her Hakan now that I had her so close i don't know how I will live my life without her presence."

"You already lived without her for years, stupid"

"Thanks for the nickname baby but something tells me that this time I am going to get my chance on her."

"What about her ex?"

"I think he messed up big time now that is why I am going back to be with my family. Inshallah I take them with me when I come back." 

" So you are dumbing our work to go after Sibel?! You know that is in question  a billion dollar contract?"

"Nothing that you can handle Love, now I need to go as the pilot has arrived. "

"Good luck you asshole!" 

Like this he end the call with him and went again towards reception.

"Mister, already told you that only tomorrow I would be able to fly to Rome." 

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