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Mert's phone died, he tried several times to re-open but his battery had run out. Shocked with what just happened. How his life turned out to be in less than a week he discovered the woman that always pictured as his mum results to be exactly her. İf this wasn't enough he saw the darkness that lies inside his father.

Now he is alone scared in that emergency ward of central Hospital of Rome, crying his soul out in silence.

He is the son of Sinbad and Sibel can't let himself down for a long time. He gets up and approaches the reception.

"Can someone help me to charge my phone? İ need to connect with my father as my mom is in operation now."

"İ help you!" A nurse comes near him.

" Grazie!"( Thanks)

" E una piccola cosa," She said as placed his phone in the charger right at her desk, "Scusaci che nessuno ha venuto da te per informarti, ma puoi vedere che c'è uno casino qui, un terribile accidento con molti feriti è successo al centro."

(  İt's a small thing.  You need to forgive us that no one has come to inform you but a terrible accident with multiply wounded has just happened in the center.)

"Can you inform me now?"

"Claro che sì, dimmi il nome."( Of course, tell me the name.)

"Sibel Kara,she was admitted due to an accident that happened an hour ago."

"Yeah, I see her here. İs still in operation."

"Thank you" Mert nodded as turned to go to the bench when Livia appeared with Andrea behind her.

"Mert my boy, what happened?" Livia asked, perturbed.

"I was passing the road when mum pushed me to save me as that damn car pushed her into the air. Everything happened so fast auntie."

"SHHH she will be fine Mert. She has wait so much to hear from you to call her mum that will resist and be here with you." Livia console him as was holding in a warm hug.

Andrea just stood there, in silence.

After two hours passed the same nurse that took his phone brought it to him.

"Sorry again I should have brought early but you know the condition"

"İs okay!"

As soon as he opened his phone  a numerous call and message has come from his father.

Quickly he called him and in heartbeat Sinbad open it.


" Mert İ am here, in Rome tell me the hospital name."

Mert knows his father would come faster than light so he give the directions.

Sinbad heart was heavily beating. He knows that can't surrender himself now. Even if worst happen her emanet need him more.

Mert was alone waiting at the entrance all perturbed and lost in his thoughts.

"Mert!" His father voice wake him from his trance. Forgetting how things went a week ago he runs to his safe arms.

"Let me see you first!" Sinbad check him out for any tiny scratch as he did when was a kid.

"Dad, I am fine! Mum saved me in time. All what happened was my fault." Mert hugged his father as let out his tears on his chest.

"Calm down! Isn't your fault, she will never let you get any harm. Believe your mom is strong gonna survive this." Sinbad tried to give hope although the chance to never see her again was scratching his heart.

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