The Hope Hill

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"The Hope Hill”


I was about to meet Hakan, all by myself.

He needs to pay for what he did to her and what he made me do to her. 

But on second thought, I'll let him give me the beating I deserve from the start of this marriage. 

Someone should have given me a good beating just for interrupting her dream that night.

Sadly, her family never questioned her decision that night. None of them tried to do anything against me, they silently accepted my wrongdoing.

Except for that lover boy of hers, he dared to come to her rescue, foolishly thinking he could snatch her from me.


I would rather burn myself and her than let anyone touch her.

Yet, I can't help but think about how they still act friendly towards me when I went to their home the next day, even though I've done such terrible things to her and I presume they know what happens between two people that are bound by hate.

Ahmet Kara is well-known for his viciousness in the underworld, when now I am the ruthless king, aka her Devil. I expected a battle from him and his sons, but nothing happened. Her mother welcomed me and even offered me a coffee, while her older sister gave me a few angry stares. The rest of them just ignored me.

Our culture is the weirdest. If I were in their place and someone forced my daughter into marriage, I would bring hell upon them. I thought Sibel was their precious treasure, but I was wrong.

I turned off the car, stood at Hope Hill, where Hakan had chosen to meet. I got out of the car and approached the cliff, overlooking a field of sunflowers basking in the sunlight.

I heard his car engine turn off and I kept staring at the view, while events from last night played in my mind...

Just the thought of him putting his lips on hers boiled my blood and led me to do unforgivable things to her. 

Now that I know he hurt her and marked her for life, my vision turned red as I marched toward him. 

As soon as he got out of the car, I punched him in the ribs and pushed him against his car door, punching him like a punching bag. 

But I realized that he was allowing me to do it without protesting.

"How dare you touch my wife?" I shouted as I landed a punch on his nose, but I didn't let him fall.

"How dare you unzip your pants in front of her?" I screamed, the mere thought of them together making me want to tear him into pieces. I landed another punch on his face.

"How dare you mark her for life?" I yelled as he slipped onto the ground and I continued to punch him.

"What's stopping me from killing you and throwing your dead body to the animals? Huh!" I screamed at his bloody face.

"Sibel, stop you! Rapist!" he mumbled, struggling to breathe. But the last word broke me. She must have told him what she labeled me. 

What's the difference between me and him?

The only difference is that I am her rapist and he is not. Even though he despises me, he stopped himself from hurting her.

I couldn't.

I don't call it rape at all, I say I took her by force because she is my wife after all.

Am I wrong?

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