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Chapter 36


June is their month of bad recorder.

In June he saw her;

In June she put him behind bars.

In June he married her;

In June she cursed him.

In June he had hope;

In June she went away.

In June he thought was all lost;

In June she looked at him.

With words unsaid with the pain gripping his heart the time passed. The dish was ready and both Carla and Mert were waiting for it.

"Carla, is it safe for mum to eat solid food like this?!"

"I was distracted by the croissant in the morning and I forgot that she shouldn't eat solid food but she is far stronger than I thought. So she can eat small portions."

"I feared that too but she is stronger than anyone else I have met." Mert said as served Carla the plate. Sinbad was in the washroom during this time, when he came to see them eating and her tray was there.

Is Oriental tradition not disturbing those that are already eating, reluctantly he took the tray and went toward her room.

Reluctantly I said cause he didn't want to face her yearning love for another man.

She wasn't sleeping all the time. On the contrary she was on foot before the window looking at the tormentor sky, dreaming about her childhood that was a happy one.

"Sibel what are you doing standing on your feet, you are not yet recovered. Please sit down."

"I did always what my head said never wanted to know about other, as long as I was happy, till.." she went silent as they eyes met each other.

She couldn't keep the contest of their eyes as a sharp pain reminds her that isn't a kryptonian, contrary to a human from earth. Thankfully he had left the tray over the table and was closer to catch her before falling.

"Till I come right. I changed your life for the worse. If you think that I will force you again or do a bad thing toward him, rest seren Sibel. You can be together and I will pray for your happiness." He said even when the last word worked like a cold knife inside his heart.

"I want to eat that delicious dish that has Been teasing my senses since you both prepared." She deverted the conversation. He nodded and took the tray and put it before her. She couldn't eat even after trying several times. Her arms were hurting more now than in the morning.

"I got it kitten, let me help you or all the food will end up on the blanket."

"No, I can do this."

"Let me kitten." This new nickname caused a bubble of happiness inside her and looking at him with a smile plant on her face obediently she opened her mouth to grab each morsel he shoved in her mouth.

"Hmmm! This looks so like what Peri used to do for me. Ohh wait this is her recipe."

" Yeah hers, she has been a real help all this year. Although I never went anyway without Mert he is and always will be my best friend. This recipe is just for you two that...

" Don't eat pepper and Oregon like you do." She added and he nodded.

"All my contrary but I eat without them now."

"Ohh now I get why you couldn't eat my omelet at the start, cause it was without those ingredients and in the end, I filled with them." She said as consult her memories and cheerfully eating from his hand without the slices of the idea of the pain he was going inside. How easy it was for her to go and come from that darkness. Instead he went there and stuck though, covered well with his smiley face.

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