Threating Devil!

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Threatening Devil!

Sibel wakes up in her room covered by a thin blanket, feeling pain in her nether region. She knows what that pain is. In the cupboard, she finds a small letter from him.

"Your lady's day has come. In the bathroom, you will find what is needed. When this passes, I will make you pay better than last night for choosing the Dungeon before me. Your husband!"

"How wrong are you? At least I got some days to rest away from your awful touch," Sibel thought as she went to the bathroom, throwing the paper away like a used tissue.

Sinbad is now the owner of half Oriental.
How did he become so powerful?

In prison, he met his torturers. They made his life a living hell inside those cold walls restricted by iron Spears. The same hell he is now subjecting Sibel to.

He cleaned and cooked for them, but still, they hit him, belted him, and humiliated him. One time they even tried to abuse him, but he was saved by an old man and his crew. Until then, Sinbad hadn't seen them as they were in another part of the prison.

The old man called himself Mazhar Ozturk.

The last name wasn't unknown to Sinbad because of his late girlfriend. Her death was the reason he was in prison. Esra Ozturk.

"Thank you, sir!" he bowed before him that time.

"Does my last name make you think, boy?" his gruff voice sent shivers down Sinbad's spine. He knew that the man could be his savior or his doom.

"Well, my friend... has the same surname as... yours, sir." Sinbad stumbled, not daring to look at him.

"You are talking about my niece, Esra Ozturk," the old man said, and Sinbad paled like a paper.

"I didn't shoot to kill her... I just wanted..." he didn't finish as he was covered in tears.

"She is alive, but her brother kidnapped her to make you end up here. Like this, they could end the gossip that started to circulate around. You should have known better, my boy, not to mess with them; they can do anything just to not ruin their name."

Sinbad was left puzzled because he had started to believe that he was guilty after six months of being tortured in hell.

"If she appears, sir, I can be free!" his hope raised, changing his voice and drying his countless tears.

"We are working on that, boy. We are trying to find out where she is. Till that day comes, you stay beside me, and no one will harm you," Mazhar Öztürk patted his shoulder, taking away his fear of life. He was afraid that sooner than later, those who tried to rape him would finish their work.

"I want revenge, sir," Sinbad declared firmly after spending a week under the protection of Mazhar Öztürk.

"You will have it, my son!" was what the old man said, and from that moment, Sinbad was trained to be an underworld king recognized as the ruthless one.

Esra was found alive, only after two and a half years since that unfortunate encounter with him. Sinbad becomes Mazhar's successor in and out of prison.

His words were law, and this power made him look more like a demon to everyone. The revenge engraved in his body started with his torturers, who gave the names of her brothers and father still inside the prison.

He swore to destroy her family and, more importantly, her pride, to finish the pretentiousness of her. All the love he started to have for her when he evolved into hate.

As soon as he was out, he started to possess what her father had, making him step back from his throne. Sinbad's hate turned into an obsession towards Sibel. He put a detective to follow her around and give him news.

He hated Andrea as soon as he saw the photos of them always together.

The picture of them kissing under the Eiffel tower was in his hand before Sibel understood what happened.


Sinbad knew well that what he was doing to her was beyond hate. Slapping, hitting, belting, even forcing it wasn't on his agenda. How did everything slip through his hands?

He can't get through it.

He has a woman in his home who requests him to sin. To kill her when he finds out her innocence.

Sinbad said like that, knelt before her, but he can't do that. He can never kill her.

How will he do it?

His heart beat fast only when she called his name out loud last night.

Something is going on with him.

Something that was old and new at the same time.

"You are looking tired, my love!" Esra spoke and went to him as he was looking at the vast backyard of her small villa.

"Esra, look into my eyes and tell me that she is guilty!" he stared at her blue eyes that reflected the sky itself.

"Where is this coming from, Sinbad? Just because you are sleeping with her doesn't mean she is innocent," she said, trying to avoid his glare.

"Esra, she requested me to kill her whenever I find out she is innocent. Do you know what this means?"

"You pushed her to her breaking point. You just need to push a bit more, and she will kill herself. You wanted her death, right?! You have been playing with her mind and body. Push a bit more, and she kills herself, and both of us will be together forever, my love," her chirping voice was irritating his inner monster.

Sinbad was getting furious with her for the way she was talking about his Sibel. He would love to give her some lessons, but she is the niece of the man who gives him so much power, and he knows she is untouchable.

"Why do you look at me like that? I'm not saying anything more than what you desired, love!" she said and caressed his cheek when she approached to kiss him, he moved away.

"Are you being loyal to her now?"

"I am not in the right mood, Esra!"

"I can get you in the right mood!" she sneered and pushed him onto the couch. Her presence made his bile rise up with every touch Esra did over his chest, like the curse he placed on Sibel's body was affecting him. Her touch disgusted him.

A call rescued him. He took the phone as Esra still played with his shirt.

"We told you not to mess with the West Colony! Now your pretty woman will serve in our harem!" a man's voice came through the phone, and he removed Esra's hand and stood up.

"Do you have any idea who you're threatening?!"

"By your wife's looks, I think you're just an abusive husband. Don't worry, we're going to treat her better than you! Come on, darling, talk to your husband?"

"I don't have a husband! He's just my abuser, and don't worry, he will not come to my rescue! Dial another number!" her brave tone confirmed that she was in their captivity and had little faith in him.

Sinbad became furious and went home, only to see everything overturned. He looked at the cameras and saw how they took her, grabbing her by the hair and pushing her around as if she were a rag doll.

He had done the same things to her just  hours ago, but now watching another man doing that made his blood boil.

"I will rescue my love!" he said, not looking back at Esra, who was behind him.

Will he rescue her with Esra on his neck?

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