Scarlet line

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Scarlet line

This time, doctors took more hours to attend to Sibel's wounds. Only God knows how that piano had fallen, trapping her fingers underneath it.

Sinbad was consumed by a myriad of worries, while at the same time recalling what had happened up until now.

Last night, when she was in his car on their way to her family's place, even in the back seat, he couldn't help but feel a slice of happiness. Sharing the same space and breathing the same air as her.

He remembered feeling the same joy that morning when she didn't yell at him for sleeping closer to her.

Perhaps, the only time he felt happy was when he was completing her curse of that cursed night, when he couldn't fight his demons and let their rage consume her. Defeated, he knelt with his hands outstretched towards the Almighty.

"Allah, take me in her place. She deserves to live a beautiful life. I was wrong. I hurt her beyond repair. I don't even deserve to breathe, so take me. Spare her! The world needs her more than a devil, a rapist, a violent man like me. I beg of you..."

His pleading comes to an end when he notices two pairs of legs coming towards him from the window reflection. Turning around, he saw her doctor.

"How is she?" He rose to his feet, removing the countless tears with the back of his hand.

"May Allah accept your prayer!"


"She is fine... but..."

"What doctor?"

"She can never play the piano as before."

"No. You don't understand, the piano is her gift. Her life! Tell me that there is a way to give her the gift back."

"There is no way for her gift to fully come back, but she can play the piano for five minutes maximum without experiencing immense pain."

This wasn't the news he was waiting to hear because he once cherished her gift, and now it was gone.

"Can I see her?"

"Yes, she is being transferred to her room."

"One more thing, doctors expect her to use her hands normally, at least."

Yes, after a couple of weeks, she can do normal chores and take care of herself, but she isn't allowed to play the piano as it may cause permanent damage.

Sinbad took note of what the doctor said, standing before her door, feeling hopeless as he couldn't dare to go inside. Halide came as soon as she heard, even though she had just left her shift, standing beside him.

"Sir, ma'am woke up," she said, looking at his fallen face, with unstoppable tears that had taken the best of him.

"How is she?" His broken voice reached her ears as she looked at him.

"Fine, as soon as she woke up, she insisted on going home!" She responded without removing her glare from him.

"I will go talk with her doctor. You stay with her."

The doctor was against it, but Sinbad knew his wife's temper by now, so there was nothing more to discuss. They just needed to bring Halide along again.

He went to her room, hesitating a bit before the door, but entered anyway. Halide, who was checking her IV, left them alone after Sinbad's request and Sibel gave approval.

"How are you?"

"Fine!" she said shortly, not even looking at him.

"What happened?"

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