Almost Gone

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Almost Gone

At the caffè.

"We were going to eat when everything happened dad. She hasn't eaten anything till then." Mert put again the morsel of food on the plate but his father took it and put it on his lips.

"Eat it, your mom will wake up soon  and she will be more sad if see you haven't eaten anything." Reluctantly Mert open his mouth and took the morsel. Just like he was a child Sinbad feed him cause the little cub  of him wasn't able to feed himself.

People have seen these adorable moments many times because Sinbad never failed to show his infinitely care for Mert every time he could.

"Dad, what if she surrender and leave me ?"

"Sibel Kara and surrender can't be together my boy. She is a strong woman, she passed all those terrible things and still lives to tell it. You are her everything. She never gonna go without fighting to be with you."

"If all she wanted was me to call her mom, hug her, and forgive her for letting me. Now she can easy go…" his voice got drown in the last morsel when tears cover his view. Quickly Sinbad hold his face.

"She will come through , I guarantee this."  Sinbad give spirit to his son but inside he fear if she really can leave them now, after all she got what really wanted, Mert called her Mom.

Before ICU.

Andrea was word fighting with the nurse in charge for Sibel.

"I want to see her!" Andrea requested in high tone.

" I can't sir, is only for her family members." She said quietly.

"Nurse, please. I am her fiance."

"I am sorry sir but her son forbidden to let anyone inside her room."

"She is my love, i want to be there for her.

"Ask her son, sir. Look he just come." Nurse said and retreat herself inside Sibel room.

"Mert, isn't fair to let me out of your mum room." Andrea complain.

"You said is my mom,so I decided no one would enter without my permission."

"I want to see her Mert. We Love each other, after so many years we refound our love again cause someone else dare to interverne."

"You are seeing her from window, beside i don't like you Andrea, since I saw you i had a bad feeling about you."

"Well I don't care if you root for me or not, Sibel choose me again this time " he said looking forward to Sinbad.

"My mom will choose me over you, always."

"Really you think this? Than why she left you?! Cause you bare his bad blood!" Andrea throw his venom through his words that trigger the last sanity of Sinbad.

"Watch your mouth when you talk with my son!" Sinbad grabbed his throat and smashed his being to the wall.

"Finally you are matching with a man!" Andrea tried to be brave almost breathless.

"You really are making me regret for not blowing your head that morning." Sinbad whispered as was closing his respiratory way.

"Gentleman comport yourself or both will be banished from hospital." Her doctor came menacing again. Sinbad reluctantly let his throat. Andrea got in his knees heavy breathing as Livia approached to help him.

Mert entered inside to see his mom with the permission that doctor gave after all that comossion his father did.

This time Sibel didn't open her eyes thing that sad her little boy. He come crying on his father's arms. Sinbad was loosing words to console his perturbed son. He inside is feeling the fear of never seeing her, hear her.

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