Who saved whom!

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Who saved whom!


I was coming out of the bathroom when they came crashing through the door.

I froze in place as they stared at me. Scared would be an understatement; I was terrified because there were too many of them. I tried to escape, but they caught my hair and dragged me downstairs. I fought with all my strength, but that demon had exhausted my energy last night, and then one of them slapped me even harder in the face. I lost my balance, but before I hit the ground, the one with hoodie put me on his shoulder as if I were a rag doll. They were all covered up and giant compared to someone as small as me.

I was doomed, right then and there.

Maybe this was one of his ways to get revenge on me. I thought this to myself as I shared the same vehicle as my abductors. Even though we were very close last night, he hates me as much as I hate him. I can expect anything vile from him.

"Your husband has some debts with us," one of them said, interrupting my stream of thoughts.

"He's nothing to me. Just someone who forced me to sign a marital contract," I shouted at them, receiving puzzled looks.

"Let's see if he feels the same as you, doll. Shall we call him?" the driver spoke and dialed someone who I assumed was him.

"We told you not to mess with the West Colony! Now, you pretty woman will serve in our harem," the driver announced, and my blood froze.

I found myself in another abyss. This time, it was worse than the hell he had put me through. I couldn't even beg him for mercy.

"Judging by the way your little wife looks, I think you're just an abusive husband. Don't worry, we'll treat her better than you. Come on, darling, talk to your husband," the driver continued.

"I don't have a husband! He's just my abuser, and don't worry, he won't come to my rescue. Dial another number!" I yelled so he could hear me.

I knew it was a foolish thing to do. I would rather die at their hands than owe him a favor, but I didn't know why, deep down, I wanted him to come. I could deny it all I wanted, but last night, I had seen another side of him. I felt his tears flowing down my back as he kissed away the mark he had created.

They took me to a large building and parked behind it. I saw an opportunity to run away. When they were trying to pull me out, I managed to escape from their grasp, but I didn't get far before an electric shock hit me from behind. I fell on the hard concrete, probably breaking my jaw. That was the last thing I felt.

I woke up when they threw a bucket of cold water over me. There were three men with their faces revealed. They had tied me to a chair. The water caused my body to shiver as they watched. I tried to cover myself in vain with my wet hair.

They mentioned a harem. I would be raped and drugged by them as I served as a mere object. Tears of anger and defeat streamed down my cheeks.

"From rain to  storm!" I screamed in my head.

They pulled out a phone and were making a video for him, I thought. I was numb from crying when, through my tears, I saw one of them unzipping his pants while the other held me by the hair.

He approached me.

“We're gonna have a party with you, beautiful one. Then you're gonna serve in our harem. Your husband owns us." The one with the unzipped pants came closer as the other one let go of my hair and went to the door.

“Please don’t do it! He did it! You at least don’t do it! You want him to pay. Fine, kill me before he does it. Take this pleasure from his hands,” I begged with my cracking voice.

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