Under the rain

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Chapter 70

Under the rain

The moon took its rightful place in the sky, overlooking the lovers who constantly mentioned her name when describing their beloved ones. 

However, the moon grew jealous as they belittled her beauty in comparison to their lovers. Out of spite, she called upon some clouds from the north to cover herself, unknowingly creating the perfect setting for couples to snuggle closer or for men to gallantly drape their jackets over their better halves.

"Look what you did, Sibel?" he said flirtatiously, breaking her gaze from the cloud-covered moon. She gave him a questioning look, not entirely understanding the meaning behind his words.

"As soon as you stepped outside, the moon went into hiding because it felt it couldn't compete with your beauty. Your captivating visage openly challenged the moon in a beauty competition," he explained, his words floating through the air and reaching the sky, making the moon angry at being compared and mocked. 

The moon then unveiled herself by moving the clouds aside, reclaiming her presence once again.

"I believe she overheard you and arrived to express that she harbors no fear of human competition."

He gazed into her infinite eyes, his fingertips delicately tracing the contour of her cheek before gently caressing her earlobe, the spot of her vulnerability that sent shivers down her body. Something indescribable began to surge within him as his other hand firmly gripped her waist, causing her to gasp as he pulled her closer. In one swift motion, his hand inadvertently brushed against her chest, which was adorned with a delicate, translucent nightgown.

Her lips parted as she observed the enraptured expression on his face. The man standing before her seemed as though he was watching her in a nightgown for the first time. With his hand still resting upon her chest, he longed to capture the rhythm of her racing heart. And when his other hand cupped her bottom, her legs turned to jelly, compelling her to grasp onto his biceps to defy the forces of gravity. In response, his hand glided from her chest to her throat, tightening its grasp.

Her breathing became labored while her heartbeat accelerated. She reluctantly withdrew her hands from his biceps.

His heart broke into two witnessing the vulnerability she displayed under his touch.

Swiftly altering his hand's position, his thumb caressed the smoothness of her chin before descending along her defined jaw, meeting her earlobe once again. Those four fingers gently tilted her head upwards, wasting no time before capturing her lips.

The thunderclouds growled in unison, but they paid no heed as they consumed each other's mouths with an overwhelming passion. Her dainty legs entwined around his waist, holding his head in her hands to deepen their connection. His hand remained securely clasped around her waist, while the other supported her back.

As lightning cracked above their heads, rain began to fall, drenching their bodies with its fervent intensity.

He tenderly lowered her to the ground, parting their lips momentarily, only to feel a magnetic pull drawing him back towards her. Their desire was far from fulfilled, and she made her intentions clear when her fingers grazed his abdomen, inching towards his trousers.

"Under the rain?" he questioned, gently restraining her wandering fingers.

She nodded in affirmation.

"It is her request, and I shall obey without delay, before o

she catch a cold," he mused, captivated by her formidable presence as the rain gracefully fell upon her. 

The gentle patter of droplets upon her lips, a melody only he could hear, drew him closer, compelling him to capture that enchanting sound.

Ordinarily, their kisses were profound, sealing their desires like a devouring storm. Yet, the taste of rain upon her lips transported him to another realm, one he had never experienced before. With tenderness, he savored the raindrops themselves, giving his kiss a voice. She clung to his arms, allowing him to guide her, surrendering to the ardor between them.

This had been a longing of hers for quite some time. While they had never missed an opportunity to indulge in passion beneath the shower's embrace, its warm water was tasteless and odorless, unlike the rain, which carried the very essence of the earth. She was, after all, a pluviophile, finding solace and delight in the rainfall.

As he kissed her rain-kissed lips, he revealed himself as a Sibelphile, contemplating  the touch of rain upon her skin. He teasingly pulled the straps of her nightgown away from her shoulders, each movement met with resistance as the fabric clung to her like a second skin. Persevering, he continued his way down, overcoming any hindrance in his path.

A shiver coursed through her body as his fingers reached her waiting buds, longing for his touch. Now cold to the touch, they wouldn't remain so for much longer. With one bud embraced between his warm lips and the other held tenderly between his fingers, an electric current surged through her, igniting her senses to burst.

The rain showed no sign of relenting, mirroring his relentless desire. As he removed her nightgown, revealing her divine form before him, she leaned against the balcony's edge, anticipating the tempest that awaited her.

In that moment, as his tongue delicately caressed her heated folds, she trembled, much like the sky above when thunder decides to join the dance of his tongue. A new addiction emerged as he savored the delicate interplay of rain mixed with her nectar, finally understanding why flowers exuded such enchantment after a rainfall.

The spattering of their skin beneath the rain rivals the clash of clouds above them, freezing the world in awe. She let her soul soar high into the heavens, and with every ounce of his being, he followed her lead. 

The moon cast its gaze upon the embrace of two soulless bodies, intertwining on the cold concrete, and from the celestial realm above found their souls, obliged them to fall in each other's arms below.

"I am madly in love with you, Sinbad," her voice quivered, tears falling as a testament to the profound love she felt for her man. And he, in turn, overflowed with happiness.

He allowed himself to be consumed by this sentiment, for he longed to live within this moment.


Hidden behind heavy curtains, the king found himself captivated by the dance of clouds, parting ways for the moon to grace the night once more. 

Eventually, his mind stumbled upon the memory it was in search of. He cherished his journeys on his chopper, with a particular fondness for soaring above the Canaries. It was there he witnessed the Atlantic Ocean, adorned with hues of green and blue, resembling the almond-shaped eyes of her.

Whereas before, she awakened his desires, now she caused his mind to lose sleep. This was a feeling he had never experienced before, as he never had to ponder over women after simply casting a glance, for they would eagerly warm his bed. However, she was unlike any woman he had encountered in the past. She had the audacity to wash away his touch, an act that instilled a lingering rage within him, unsettled by its religious implications.

Zara, on the other hand, was in a blissful slumber, as not a single thought from today disturbed her tranquil mind.

However, soon enough, it shall be the King who shall be held accountable for her restless nights…

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