Train station

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Chapter 56

Train station

Mature content: 🔥🔥🔥

Oriental train station was converted into an enormous stage when soldiers were being cheered up cause was the 200 anniversary of the Oriental army.

There weren't just the rookie ones but also those that have been part of the army for the last 50 years.

They did the parade and among them an ex soldier could be easily distinguished because it was very hard for him to take orders from others. He found himself in this cause the General required after intervention he did to not put his friend behind bars.

His friend that was grinning ear to ear as looked at him obeying commands without uttering a word. If he didn't have the arm injured he would have filmed the scenario that was happening before his eyes. 

The parade ended with the general giving each of the soldiers a honor medal and raising the status of older soldiers into Officer grade.

Unwillingly, the soldier felt pride as his general put the medal in his upper pocket. Was different from the others.

His wandering eyes were caught by the General's.

"Is to say thank you for keeping Oriental safe from inside as we keep safe in the border, officer Sinbad Melekoglu."

"In your orders General!" He greeted, like an officer would do.

As soon as the ceremony ended the stage was removed  to let the upcoming train deliver his passengers.

 Sinbad placed his hat on his shoulder and walked down the main street. Although 20 years had passed since the last time he wore soldier clothes he felt proud to wear them again.  The main reason for him being here passed by.

"Common soldier! Let's celebrate your medal." Hakan shouted from the back seat of his Cadillac as Sanem was conducting.

"Sanem sent away this fraud, for his fault I am in this state away from my love."

"Ohhh, you broke my heart. I thought I was your love." Hakan pouted.

"Don't mind him, Sinbad. He is drunk  on pills. Take care, officer." Sanem salutes him as drove away leaving him alone on the street.

He smiles as remember his love that must be waiting for him. Since early in the morning he hadn't spoken with her and it wasn't a lie that his poor heart was dying to hear her voice.

He tried to call her but always was that annoying AI response: 

"The person you are trying to call must have turned off the phone or isn't  disponibile at the moment. Please try again later."

"Where are you my love?" He whispered to the wind his heart's words.

Suddenly his heart started to beat fast like she was near him but that was impossible. She was miles away. His hand went to his chest as his heart was running inside his ribs. "Could she be in danger?" He thought as his lungs had difficulty keeping air  but this beating heart wasn't like those.

"Soldier! Soldier! Your hat has fallen." 

Someone called behind him. Someone that his heart yearned to hear. 

Someone that his body longed to have.

He turned slowly as her dark Rose parfüm invaded his nostrils.

There was her with her paladin hair catched in a mermaid braid, with a smile that shone more than sun above their heads. His eyes scan her up and down. She was wearing a loose white shirt and a blue skirt that reached her ankle. The white back bag hung from her shoulder as her right hand was forward holding his hat that once again wasn't placed well in his shoulder.

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