Devil's toy player

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Devil’s Toy Player

The ray of sun penetrated through the thick curtains into the cold room. 

It's June.

She hadn’t changed or even showered since he left her alone hours ago. Sibel was awake and naked on the bed, covered by dirty sheets stained by her purity and his sin.  

Sleep didn’t come for her, who wanted so much to cry and yell but nothing came out. It was like a soulless body only staring into the void. A cadaver still breathing.

Something had died forever. 

Something she held dear.

Something that was shattered.

“Sibel! Sibel!” Andrea's voice came from outside the windows. She got up quickly, as if in a trance, and tried to get ready as she had done before when he called her down to her apartment back in Rome. 

But one look in the mirror and she stopped. Her face was full of his marks, he hadn't left a spot on her skin unmarked.

Sibel couldn’t face Andrea like this; he would bring her brothers to him. She combed her hair, letting it cover her face. She didn’t have any other clothes, only a bathrobe, and she put it on. The balcony attached to the room had a picturesque view of his farm. If she had been in the right state of mind, she would have contemplated its beauty.

“Andrea, che cosa stai facendo qui? (what are you doing here!)”

“Sono qui per riscattare amore mio! (I am here to rescue my Love) Vieni con me! (Come with me!) Ho portato anche la polizia. (I brought the police too) Lori ti salveranno ( They're gonna save you)!” he said with his infantile mind. 

She knew well who would do something like he had done last night, only if he was involved with the Mafia. She knew that her father had moved away from that life partially, which is why he could have the upper hand when it came to their security.

Ahmed Kara was born king of the underworld; that is why he was called The Emperor. But at the request of his wife Adalet, he never involved their sons in this world.

So when the time came to let go of the reins, he didn't hesitate just to avoid creating a war.

Her tears met her cheek and the breeze in that moment didn't bother her at all. She wanted to run to his arms to say that what had happened was just a nightmare. They were still in Rome, waiting at the bus station. She felt a hand take hold of her waist and pull her. Harshly, she was pulled toward his half-naked body.

“Send him away before I break my promise. After all, I took what I wanted from you last night!?” he threatened, breathing near her nape.

“I dare you! Break your promise, Rapist! Then I will call you an untrustworthy Rapist before my last breath!” She turned to face him with her piercing eyes, not feeling intimidated by him at all.

 He feared her eyes, but the rage inside consumed his mind once again. He took her body and put it on the edge of the balcony, with half of her body outside as he held onto the rest of her.

“If you want her, I can toss her down to you right now?” Sinbad yelled as he secured her, making sure she wouldn't fall. But he felt like she was slipping through his grip as she pulled against him. She had a desire to fall, and he would need to let her go if she didn’t stop pulling.

Andrea, feeling sorry and defeated, went away. 

No police could harm Sinbad Melekouglu.

He waited until they were gone and pulled her back up.

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