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Chapter 46


I know what all you must think about their relationship now that it has become like all the other dark romances. She became a needy woman. But it isn't true at all because they have spent 14 years listening to their breath every month. You may think about how you can change that hate into love. Is pretty easy even the wildest animal can become friendly if you feed him regularly, not more than two people that were linked by hate, by a child and by a million whisper breaths shared in distance. And we need to admit the woman's heart is easily forgivable. If women would not be like that do you think men could have ruled this world or better say would have been a world to talk about right now?!


Sinbad looked pensive as stared at her fragile figure that had hugged herself to cover from a bit of wind that decided to decrease the temperature. He already had finished with breakfast although probably they will have brunch as Mert announced to come late. He had covered her before going but she must have moved and removed the sheet. 

He removed her arms to see her bare chest, his fingers working alone caressing her soft skin causing a tinkle that woke her.

"Adorable" he says, staring at her not thinking to remove his fingers from drowning invisible lines.

She stared at him and those s hazel lake-like eyes became lake indeed.

"What happened?" She rose and took his face in her hands.

"I have hurt you, and you hurt yourself for my stupidity." His voice came broken into pieces and took her into a warm embrace. 

"I am not believing I am dating a cry baby. I need a man to hold me, not a baby because the more vulnerable you are, the more uninterested I become." She says as tease his  neck with her small tongue.

"Sibel don't tease me or you will not be able to stand on your feet." He sweetly menaced as tapped at her nose.

"I want to see this side of you, Sinbad. We can't change the past but can make a better present. Now dress me, Mert must be coming any time soon."

Sinbad chose a pair of sweatpants and a loose blouse.

"Sibel you need a full makeover of your closet bebeğim."

"I love my clothes, Sinbad and if I go with your choice I will face those ugly remarks so let me go with my choice. Or you don't feel okay with my dress choice."

"They are not showing Sibel Kara I know. You don't need to hide yourself or tremor for some scumbag. I am now here. I was always here for you. That Vermin that stabbed you will pay dearly."

"Let's do like this , when I go shopping I take you so you choose for me."


They shake hands as the door knocks.


He opened as she was ogling the brunch he prepared.

 "Mert" Sinbad said as the boy passed him and hugged his mum.

"Mum, Marianna kissed me!" The boy said in one breath then took the glass of water that Sibel was preparing for herself.

"What means she kissed you? You didn't kiss her back?!" Sinbad questioned.

"I couldn't, she just did it now in the car as we were alone cause she port me here. I am still shaking men. Was my first kiss."

"Ohhh my boy grew up so fast." Sibel got totally emotional as tears of happiness fell right in his thumb.

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