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Chapter 65


He had hurt her again.

But he was ready to face the consequences, so he followed her as she angrily led the way to their house.

With determined steps, she entered their home and slammed the door shut, narrowly missing his nose. Not that she would have cared, as her anger had reached its peak.

"Sibel," he called out to her, and she stopped going upstairs, instead turning around to find him on his knees before her.

"I don't know what she said to you, but it was nothing, just a..."

"GET UP!" She roared, and he immediately stood up.

"It was nothing, right? Just a one-night stand? Maybe two or more, as you like to recount how you destroyed my life years ago. Was it entertaining for Sinbad to sleep with her in the same bed we share? Or does she have a special place that our son doesn't know about? Tell me, what's your plan, man? How many more times do you want to hurt me?" She yelled at him, looking directly into his eyes.

"Sibel, it didn't happen like that," Hakan's voice interrupted, capturing their attention.

"Ah, of course, another man covering up another man's dirt!" She sarcastically remarked.

"Sibel, first listen and then decide what you want to believe," Hakan tried to reason with her, but both men hadn't witnessed her anger like this before.

"What should I listen to, huh?! This is the same scenario as years ago. I dared to speak some truthful words to your friend here, and he goes and sleeps with another woman in our marital bed while my life is going on your hands. Do you remember, Hakan? And now, Mister, here does it again," she sighed desperately.

"What did I do so wrong to make you so furious that you go and share intimacy with another woman as you sleep with her?! Just because of a few words? Being honest with you. 'Andrea is here,' and you go and betray me behind my back..." Her voice broke as tears threatened to stream down her face, and her man approached her.

"I felt powerless after that revelation, Sibel. Yes, I wanted to hurt you the same way you were hurting me. I couldn't come to you and confront you or say anything because I was scared of your promises, your words. I am even scared of you now; I don't know whether what comes out of your mouth will be a blessing or a curse. I went to that bar, ordered a bottle of alcohol, and asked the manager to bring me two of his best women to entertain me.

I hadn't drunk a sip of alcohol in years, and just a few drops clouded my vision. When she walked in and approached me, I momentarily confused with you. But as soon as I kissed her, I realized that I was making the worst mistake of my life. So I stopped there and sent them away angrily. That's it. It was just a kiss that meant nothing to me. I swear on..."

"Don't you dare bring our son's name into your oath!" She interrupted, with a menacing tone.

"I wasn't mentioning his name, but my love for you. I swear in my heart, which beats only for you, that I am speaking the truth. The choice is now in your hands. Whether you trust me or not." He took a step back, and she felt a chill engulfing her being.

Hakan had left them alone as soon as Sinbad began narrating.

"I despise you, Sinbad Melekoglu!" she exclaimed.

"I understand, Sibel Kara."

"I hate you even more now, because I love you so much that the mere thought of you being with another woman hurts me deeply. If your betrayal back then hurt me because you left me vulnerable to enemies, now it hurts here," she pointed to her chest, tears streaming down her face, "knowing that you've kissed or touched another woman the way you touch me." She broke down in tears before him, collapsing to her knees.

She didn't even realize when she left the floor and found herself enveloped in his comforting arms.

"So, you're jealous of me, huh?" Sinbad's voice, cocooned and warm, reached her ear as she sat on his lap with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Yes, Sinbad is mine and mine alone. I have the right to touch you, to kiss you, even to harm you. No one else can touch you the way I do," she sobbed, her head hidden on his shoulder.

"No one has ever touched me like you, my dark Rose. No one," he replied, his voice sincere and filled with tears.

Her delicate fingers reached for his shirt buttons and slowly undid them, one by one, as his strong fingers caressed the hem of her dress, brushing against her smooth skin.

From that moment on, there were no more words exchanged between them. Only a series of movements that gave each other permission to fulfill their deepest desires with one another's bodies.

They graced the skies with their fiery passion, intertwining like the vibrant hues of the fireworks that adorned the night. Their melodic moans danced harmoniously with the enchanting melody orchestrated by the DJ, creating a symphony of desire.

Engulfed in a battle of desires, they fought for dominance with an intensity that consumed them. Their bodies collided with a frenetic pace, melding together in a dance of ecstasy and yearning. Locked in a hypnotic gaze, they transcended earthly boundaries, ascending to the heavens and descending into the depths of mutual adoration.

In an embrace that defied gravity, they found solace in each other's arms, unearthing a profound connection that reached beyond the physical realm. Their souls entwined, their love became an oasis of tranquility amidst the chaos of the world.

For obvious reasons, the hosting couple missed half of the party, but the reboot couple took their place.

Hakan and Sanem were enjoying their new role, making sure everyone was attending.

After the party ended, those who were left behind were just objects, as all the breathing humans left, including Mert who went to Peri's home.

If a man bent stars for his woman and colored the sky with their infinite love, another man just stained the life of an innocent woman.

As soon as the party ended, she went back to her favorite place back on the farm where she works, unknowing that someone was chasing her.

She would have preferred to meet Azrael, the angel of death, instead of him, but her fate was sealed in the dirt of that old home at the outskirts of the farm near Melekoglu farm.

He grabbed her arm, almost breaking it, before throwing her like a used tissue at her family's door.

"You and your brother should never mess with me!" he roared, then left her alone before the sun took over the sky.

(If you are thinking this would be a new story, you are right.

But that would not be the only story following the Oriental tale.)


I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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