My Coliseum

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Chapter 52

   My Coliseum 

The Grand Coliseum stood proud in the center of Rome. Giving to whomever walks by His side the reason why Rome is  called the eternal city.

His ancient Wall that Wind and time have carved them  giving it the mystical look of his old days. 

If you are there and close your eyes you can hear the echoes of spectators cheering for their favorite gladiator as they slice between each other for their freedom or for a bunch of dirty golden coins.

Sibel holds tight the hand of Sinbad so he doesn't lose inside the labyrinth of catacombs of Coliseum just before arriving at the arena.

The mud and the musk smell didn't bother him, all the contrary this smell for him seemed too familiar. He could add that in the air was even the smell of blood that for him wasn't unfamiliar either. 

They enter inside a chamber that has a window linked with the piazza outside that holds his name.

"So this is the greatest Coliseum."

"Don't say it like that , on his glory years this was the most powerful object of time. This was the television, the mobile phone ,the internet cause here was the gathering of whole world. Of course not the American continents cause in those times they were still unknown. But Europe, Africa and Asia come here. It's an old saying 'All Road lead to Rome 'and have been true for centuries now."

"Yeah I have heard that but also you should have heard the other one."

"Which one?!" She got curious when found herself in his arms.

"All roads lead to Sinbad's heart"he whispered over her lips.

"Yeah my Coliseum " she said as peck his lips and flew from there turning the Coliseum in their playground.

Their cheerful laugh vibrated on those ancient walls and looked as if it came to life once again. They running stopped as encounter a guide and other tourist that give them some stern view.

Sibel excused themselves and come in line with the other tourist like two children that were scold by teacher.

As the guide aka the Cicerone told tale and fact about the Coliseum Sinbad got curious and raised his hand. The Cicerone gave him permission.

"What was the role of women on those times? Did they were gladiator too?"

"Great question. Well was a time when women fight too even they have been called the Gladiatrix. They were equal in equipment too but after 200 Ad they weren't more seen inside Arena." Concluded the guide as moved on explaining how arena worked.

"Women were better for breeding and being sex slaves aka whore than being Gladiatrix" Sibel mumbled in fury as went away from the crowd that follow suit the guide as per not getting lost. 

Sinbad follow his heart owner that was angry just like he loves her.

"Hey my Gladiatrix!" He hugged her behind as she found another chamber to storm her anger.

"I Am not in mood Sinbad" she said as deleted some tears she was about to flee his arms but he turned fast to face him.

"Why my Gladiatrix, my Cleopatra, My Athena,my queen my sultana has tears on her eyes?"

"Men never value woman more than just a bed warmer and for breeding. Those women you said are the one that suffer the same but convert themselves into villains, into tormentors. No woman  can escape her fate of being a simple bed warmer. I have been one of them." The last line broke both of them as she clinged on his chest crying not only her fate but the fate of thousands, millions, billions of women that had passed from the same path or worse. He harshly pulled her from his chest she splashes her eyelashes on his act.

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