The doubt

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Chapter 59

The doubt 

Hours ago

Hakan notified him about someone that has put fire to his restaurant turning into ashes as two of the workers were found burned inside.

Fearing it could have been something related to the assault, Sinbad himself started the investigation when he got the news that didn't please him at all.

"Should have remained buried. She should never know that secret."he yelled at the person on the phone before cutting off and destroying his office.

"We got information." Hakan entered saying that before looking at the new decor.

"Good!" Was all he said as passed him to go to the room of hackers.

In meantime 

She was tied to a chair frozen in fear, without tears as they were too cowardly to fall too. She remembers what happens to those who cry in front of him. He will drag their eyes balls, give it a suck  with his lips then squishing under his metallic boots.

 "Look at the camera bambola. Ask for help from your ex or soon to be husband. Just you know this is all your tongue's fault. If you keep it a secret, our encounter. He would not have ruined my business and put all the Europeans mobs asking my head around. I will gift to you the most terrified death I have ever done in my life, dolly." He snickered as hold the camera in her face.

Sinbad's face showed up and her tears betrayed her .

"I don't fear death, Sinbad but at least tell me that what happened between us now isn't a way for you to avenge the sin of my father's past."

 He stood frozen unmoved as heard her words that held the accusations he feared to hear.

"I am giving you an hour to save her in exchange of five million dollars in 100 cuts" the ugly man put his demand laughing at himself as it was impossible to do something in a hour looking at his location.

The connection was damaged as the ugly man stood there laughing at her misery.

"He will be the one gifting you the most painful death ever recorded in mankind's lifetime." She shouted as tears were flowing down not obeying her wishes.

"You know I hate tears but on you they look preciously. Make me bow to you ( he bow) and remove them with my lips.( his lips came in contact with her cold wet cheek as he darted his tongue licking her tears away.)

A repulsive, abhorrent sence captured her body and a wave of nausea came from her mouth directly to his face.

He got angry to be repaid in this way for his kind gesture. He washed away her vomit with a bottle of water as he removed every ounce of humanity he could have that shocked her being. She yelled, she screamed, she cried, she pleaded till she peed on her dress making him have a satanic laugh that echoes in that abandoned building in the skirts of Oriental city.

The malicious man was a step away from her and she remembered Hakan being in his place when he abandoned her in her fate. 

Once again he abandoned her, she raised her head and took a deep breath thinking it was the last time and smiled at him like smiling to the angel of death.

When she thought her death was coming for her, at that moment the building was covered by mini drones. That stood over their head scanning the place with their laser.

The ugly man, fearing the ufo that invaded the place, took the gun and put it on her head.

"If you want a fast and less painful death you don't dare to pull that trigger." Sinbad's voice coming from above them, seems like drones had more than a laser show inside them that put in a dilemma our crook.

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