İ chose You

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Chapter 39

İ chose You 

"Sibel, listen"

"Sibel let me explain"

"Sibel, friend" she said as in hurry had put on clothes and was chasing her .

She stopped, turned around then gave a tight slap to the one she called a friend from years now.

"Friend?! You dare to pronounce that holy word after kissing my fiance, after getting fucked like two animal on heat on his bedroom when I have been sleeping too. İ know you more than I know him. İ have told you all my secrets, all my pain and you go and screw me behind. What did I do wrong With you Livia?

"İ am sorry Sibel" the woman with disheveled hair, and robes that weren't neat at all said in broken voice, losing her balance as fall down on the stony road outside of his house.

Andrea arrived there not looking anything better than Livia, went toward Sibel leaving the one that gave him immense pleasure to lie on the ground, drawing on guilty tears.

"Sibel" he called her name and finally he met her cold shivery glare. The One that Sinbad used to see since he obliged her in that unwanted marriage.

 He didn't add anything more as Sibel went away first walking than running forgetting that just a week ago she was between death and life.

She ran and ran crying all the tears that this new event brought to her.

She didn't realize what time it was when went back to her home after had stood at the park watching the kids that brought her son to mind. Yes, only Mert had the power to change her life in a snap.

When she went home saw her car there, meaning that he was too. Thinking that Mert could be there too. Took several deep breaths and went inside.

She was right, Mert was there with Andrea talking causally.

"Mert go inside my room and don't get out till I say so."

"Mum, has something happened?!"

" Mert, do as I said!" This was her first time being so authoritarian toward him. Boy didn't say anything further but gave a deadly look at Andrea as was leaving.


"Sibel wasn't like you think; Sibel was just this time; Sibel i am sorry I was jealous about him; Sibel forgive me…. Blah blah blah" she mocked him.

" You don't speak a word anymore." She raised her hand to stop him from saying anything further.

Like a wounded lioness she moved around as the dirty image of both of them denied to get away.

"İ am sorry Sibel." Was his broken voice.

"Sorry! For what Andrea?! That you cheat me or you cheat me with my best friend?! How could you do this to me? After all these years I thought finally we will have our time." She crushes on the couch crying as he comes kneeling before her.

"Please don't cry! İ swear was just a moment thing. You are right I was jealous of him. Please Sibel look at me, amore." His pleading voice made her lift her head from her hands staring directly to his blue eyes and she put her lips in a mockery smile.

"How stupid you think I am ?" She rose up making him feel a bit scary as her look was deadly over him.

Before he could say anything further she turned and, ohh boy if she was Medusa poor Andrea would be stoned.

"İ have seen the lipstick mark on your shirt, the unfamiliar parfüm on your clothes, especially inside your house. You have been cheating for months. How much fun you had behind my back, huh?! You bastard! 

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