| Chapter 180 |

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the final chapter.

// MINA //

I gripped onto Jeonghan's arm tighter as we walked down the aisle, the soft gasps mixed with the wedding music making me feel nauseous. And it only got worse when I looked up to see Seungcheol, standing at the altar in a black suit with the biggest smile on his face.

My heartbeat accelerated as we stopped walking once we got to the two steps up to the altar, as Seungcheol eagerly extended his hand out for me to take before Jeonghan was leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Always know I love you, no matter what," he whispered, before lifting my hand up slowly and hesitantly giving it for Seungcheol to hold.

I forced a smile towards Seungcheol as I now stood in front of him, before he was entwining our fingers together.

"My prettiest girl," he whispered, giving me a sickly sweet smile as he bought our entwined fingers up to his lips before he was kissing the back of my hand as the crowd gasped in delight and awe.

"Welcome, family and friends. Today we are gathered here to celebrate the wedding of a beautiful couple bought together by god..." the priest began, as I tried to not to look around since I knew everyone's eyes were on us.

"Make anything obvious, I'll cut Bambam's fingers off one by one."

I swallowed thickly before smiling back at him as the priest continued with the script. I zoned out as I stared deeply at Seungcheol, sketching a memory of his face in my mind as his eyes trailed over mine as well.

Choi Seungcheol.....what a life we've lived.

Were both on two different ends of society, you cheat and gamble and play with people's lives as a source of income, while I worked my whole life to get what i want, before you ripped that away from me.

Although the good memories were there...they now felt hazey, like I never had them in the first place and I had imagined it all. I only remembered the bad things, the continuous manipulation, abuse, obsession, greed, jealousy, rage....and a whole lot more.

I wasn't a doctor. But I knew he was messed up in more ways than one. He had a dysfunctional family to what Seungkwan told me that day...although it didn't excuse anything he did to me or anyone else.

If the plan Chan and Jaebum curated didn't work out, god forbid, I really was just about to marry and spend the rest of my life with the devil himself.

How did he change, where did he go wrong?

He always told me I was his first serious relationship, so why was it that I got this kind of treatment after doing absolutely nothing wrong?

The way you've treated me... I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy.

And then you stand here, big eyes boring into mine with nothing but love and adoration with a smile on your face that would make the crowd think we were indefinitely in love, mothers wishing you were their son, fathers in appreciation, sons in jealousy and daughters... really wishing to be in my spot right here, insisting I was the luckiest girl alive to have met someone like you.

And that's where I didn't understand....was I lucky? Being so closeted growing up with an older brother and loving mom, I wasn't careful of the dangers or what ifs, I always thought my life would just play out like it does in those fairytale books, or dramas...but you taught me that even the greatest things could take the most horrific turns.

Or was I just simply unlucky?

I was day, and you were dawn.

And I should've never crossed paths with you.

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