Volume 5:Part 3

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I made my way back to my dorm and found Horikita waiting outside my room.

"That's unusual of you."

She noticed that I had made it and sighed. I went to open the door and let her in.

"You sure took your time making it back."

She went in and sat on the floor for some reason. She was crossing her legs and waiting for my response.

"Haruka wanted to talk to me. When I finished that, I made it back."

"I see."

She nodded her head before speaking again.

"Are you really dating Karuizawa-san? I find that hard to believe. I can't imagine you dating anyone."

Apparently, she had come here to interrogate me.

"Yes, we are dating. I am, in fact, a human being like you."

She put her hand on her chin and started thinking.

"I suppose you might be."

Might be? I decided to ignore her rude remarks and waited for her to speak up.

"Anyway. I have come to speak to you about this exam."

I sighed and sat down across from her.

"I was going to call you and Yousuke tomorrow to discuss that. You didn't have to come all the way here."

She nodded again.

"Very well then. We'll discuss the details with Hirata-kun tomorrow. For now, I want to propose a plan."

"I agree. I'll vote opposite to what you do so we can have a discussion session each time."

She looked surprised at first but then sighed.

"I should've known you'd think of the same thing. I'll always vote first, and you vote second."

"Agreed. I'll call you and Yousuke tomorrow."

She got up and tried to walk away.


She stopped and turned to look at me.

"How do you think this exam will go? Smoothly?"

She stopped to think for a second.

"No... there's been something on my mind all day."

"I see. What's that?"

Did she notice?

"Kushida-san taking initiative and asking me to lead is suspicious. I suspect she could be planning something."

I nodded at her again.

"I see. That's possible."

Horikita thought I would give her advice, but she was quickly disappointed once more.

"You're as useless as ever."

She walked away before waiting for a response and left my room. It seems Horikita was getting sharper.

I noticed a text from Kei but ignored it for now and went to sleep.

The next day, I felt people staring at me again, but it was definitely less than before. It seems they still couldn't believe Kei and I were dating. Class went by as usual, and during lunch time, I made my way to the special building to meet the person I was waiting for.

"Why did you call me here, Ayanokoji? I don't understand you at all."

Kanzaki arrived and looked at me. I was sitting on the stairs resting my cheek on my fist, waiting for him to finally make it.

"I called you here to give you some advice."

He looked confused but listened.

"This next exam is your opportunity to overthrow Ichinose and take over. If you don't make a move now, it'll be too lage."

He listened to my words and grit his teeth as he spoke.

"What can I do on my own?"

"During this exam, one vote is all it takes to screw over the entire class. If you rebel, they'll be forced to listen to you whether they like it or not."

He didn't respond but clearly understood what I said.

"Not to mention that you're not alone."

Now he looked at me with shock, and the other person I called over finally made it.

"I don't get it. Why did you ask me to come here? And how did you even get my number?"

I asked Kei to investigate it during our vacation. Himeno finally noticed Kanzaki.

"Why is Kanzaki here? I don't get any of this."

Kanzaki started putting the pieces together.

"Are you saying Himeno feels the same way I do?"

I didn't respond.

"The same way? What are you talking about?"

Kanzaki now looked in her direction.

"Our class won't make it to class A at this rate. We're going to lose."

Himeno didn't respond. She looked down and held her arm.

"Wait... you agree?"

Kanzaki realised that Himeno did, in fact, feel the same way. Anyone else class B would've immediately dismissed him and supported Ichinose without a second thought.

"Why didn't you say anything? This is huge...if there's more people like us, we could actually fight. We could-"

Himeno interrupted him.

"No, we can't. No one will listen. Even if we don't reach class A, I'd rather go along with Ichinose than be shunned by the entire class."

A fire lit inside Kanzaki's eye.

"You have to help me! Don't you get it? There could be more people like you! Others who feel the same way but are too scared to come out! During this exam, even one person can control the entire class. If we rebel and speak our minds, they'll have to listen to us."

Himeno didn't speak.

"Himeno...don't you want to win? Didn't we all join this school in the first place so we could win? I don't want to lose here. Please. Help me."

He reached his hand out to her. She made eye contact with him but hesitated.


Shs took his hand. Himeno supported Kanzaki.

He turned around and looked back at me.

"Is that why you called us both here? To bring us together? Did you see all this coming?"

I closed my eyes while still sitting down on the stairs.


"I have one question."

He paused for a moment, then spoke again.

"I thought you would be on Ichinose's side...why are you helping us?"

I opened my eyes and got up.

"Who says I'm not on her side?"

He couldn't understand my meaning. Himeno looked just as confused.

I walked past both of them and stopped before leaving.

"Take back your class, Kanzaki. Don't fail."

I kept walking and could feel him nod at me as I left. Kanzaki and Himeno would now make their move.

Next up, I needed to speak with Katsuragi.

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