Chapter 55

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I then woke up and went downstairs seeing Gio, Karrah and Yatchy downstairs in the kitchen chopping it up.

"Hey y'all"

Yatchy: Boo, your eyes are puffy. Tell us what happened in the house when we went to the car?

"Nothing, just him talking some bullshit and just not speaking the truth"

Gio: Talk in detail we wanna know.

"I told him what he wanted and he goes, why are you so angry with me? I then explain the things he's done and then I said when we both reflect on the wrong we've done then we can come to each other like grown adults and sort shit out with each other."

Karrah: Damn, you really man handled him right there.

"I sure did because I ain't playing this nigga at all, he really thinks i'm playing"

Yatchy: He's really playing with your emotions ain't he? Look, girl, you and Camo look absolutely beautiful together. I was thinking why didn't you come to us instead and you joined the AMP group instead?

"I didn't know that Camo had a crush on me this whole time until I broke up with Duke then he confessed. And I wouldn't said yes but I didn't know"

Gio: Y'all are really beautiful together like our fans really love what y'all have and so I just hope you don't go back to him and make the same mistake again because Destinee, you keep going back to danger when Camo is here to give you much better.

"I don't know, I love Camo but right now, all this relationship shit is too much. I gotta focus on myself and just leave this lovey dovey shit alone, it's getting stressful."

Karrah: That's a great idea.

"Girl you with my ex and you acting like this? Since when?"

Karrah: Girl shut the fuck up, you let me have him.

"I know but you saying to me to just be single that's something Gio should say not you"

Karrah: Alright moving on.

"Anyways, I gotta shower and go back to my apartment. I've gotta clean that shit up and also just do some work because in a couple weeks, I go back to working so....imma link y'all soon okay?"

Yatchy: We gon miss you hanging with us.

"It's not like we breaking up baby, i'm here it's just now i'm going back to my busy schedule so I've gotta start it now because i'll get lazy again"

Karrah: We understand, now bitch go shower.

"Shut up"

I then walk up the stairs and go to Camo's room and see him sit up and on his phone shirtless and with his durag on.

Camo: You going back today?

"Yeah, i've gotta clean my apartment and also do some admin because in a couple weeks, I'm back at the kindergarten so I've gotta be prepared"

Camo: Imma miss you.

"I'll be back, just busy that's all"

Camo: Let me know when Duke comes and talks to you and then tell me your decision over text, or call, whatever you wanna do, because I wanna know.

"I got you"

I then go to the shower and wear the fit I wore yesterday because I slept over and didn't bring any clothes with me and so I showered, did my skincare and makeup and put my Timbs on. Camo then puts the Comcrete hoodie and some sweats and some slippers as they weren't going anywhere.

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