Chapter 65

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It was my dad.

Why the fuck is he here and how does he know that I'm here?

"Dad, your drunk can you sit down please?"

John: So you and Duke are back together I see?

I then look at Duke with the look for him to not say nothing because I don't want his ass to be beat the fuck up.

"Yeah we back together"

John then started to point his bottle at Duke saying.

John: I thought I told your ass to stay away from my daughter.

"Dad, it's my decision whether I wanna go back to him or not, that shit does not concern you"

John: DON'T talk when I'm talking. It's disrespectful my precious.

"Dad, can you please sit down and why are you here anyways? What do you want? You come to me and my friends crib just to embarrass the shit outta me"

John: I came to look for your mother.

"Why? So you can abuse her again? Dad that ain't gon work"

John: I wanna see your mom. WHERE IS SHE?

He then starts to wander around the house.

"Dad if you don't calm down, I will call the cops"

John: What? You gon call the cops on me. You lucky U ain't put my single hand on you young lady, you tell me where your mother is and I'm gon leave you alone. What's better for you?

"Dad it's best if you just leave me alone now because I ain't gon tell you where mama went and also do these names ring a bell to you?"

Everyone in the house is looking at me scared whilst I'm just staying calm with my arms crossed behind Duke's chest.

"Courtney and Nickolas"

John: Why the fuck are you saying those names? You won't say those names to my face.

"I just did, and by the way I met them, Dad, why the fuck did you hide them from me all my life? They are the most beautiful and precious people in the whole world and you hide them from me and Hazel and mom?!"

John: I didn't want those pests in my family.

"They aren't pests they're your children and Mom is not here and I won't be telling you where she is so you can leave?"

John: I know where your apartment is.

"Oh I moved ever since the wedding, they shut the complex down so you tried it, and I changed my number so the location on your phone is the false location so good luck with that, now bye"

I push him out the door and he started to knock so I can let him back in again. All my friends were staring at me.

Chris: Destinee, what's going on?

"My dad went back to drinking, my mom and my sister are now my next door neighbours and I have half siblings. Anything else y'all wanna know?"

Everyone just stood silenced. I then walk up the stairs into the guest room because I wanted to be alone. Even though, I put this facade on my face acting like I'm okay. I'm not okay, i'm hurt. I missed my chance of being a wife, my mom is in danger. My half siblings came outta nowhere. This is too much for me.

I then go in the guest room and start to cry. I couldn't believe what he just did in front of my boyfriend and my friends. I can't believe it. Duke then slowly opens the door and sees me sobbing. I then look up and see him standing in the guest room.

"Duke, why you here? I don't wanna see you right now"

Duke: Oh you dying to see me. Shut up.

He then walks up to the bed and sits on it and brings me in for a hug.

Duke: I know that your family is in shambles right now but all you gotta do is love them and protect them and appreciate them because I 100% know they appreciate you 10 times more than they appreciate you. And the way you protect your mom, it's so inspiring. You inspire me babe, to be like you.


Duke: Shh, right now you don't gotta talk okay? I'm here and always here. And I know you may be going through some things and it's hard but trust me we'll work it out.

I then nodded and just kissed him. I just love the way he reassures me and makes sure I'm okay.  He then takes my hand and walks me to the bedroom. I then sit on the bed and he then takes his shirt off and joins me on the bed.

Duke: We've got a long day tomorrow so we betta get some sleep

I then smiled with my puffy eyes from crying so much.

"I love you"

Duke: Love you too baby.

I then kissed him and we went to sleep.

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