Chapter 59

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Atlanta, Georgia
A few weeks after the funeral

I'm back in my apartment and everyone now knows that me and Duke are back together. We are starting afresh and we are new. Giovanna and Karrah learned to accept the fact that I've made the decision I made. It took them a long time but they understood why. I then started work, and it was very refreshing. AMP have been shooting a lot lately so I've been present in those much more and helping with the directing and shit like that. So far life has been good.

I am on my couch watching TV and checking anything that has been happening on my phone. I then recieve a phone call from my mother. I haven't spoken to her in a while and that was since the wedding but she doesn't know about Duke and I and I think it's time for me to say it.

I then pick up the Facetime.

Victoria: My beautiful daughter, how you doing my love?

"Wow, you chose to call me after 4 months of just not checking up on me for a while after my own husband is cheating on me"

Victoria: You know how busy I've been my love.

" I understand but you've got to learn to make time for me momma, I'm your daughter"

Victoria: I love you I do. I'm sorry. I'll fix myself honestly. How are you and Duke?

"I didn't talk to him for about 6 months and then now we're back together. And we're starting afresh new and making sure we're taking shit slow"

Victoria: That's nice to hear. I hope you and him are alright. Well, I've got to tell you something that is going to break your heart.

"Wow, when I'm having a good day as well"

I then hear a knock at the door. I then got up and started walking to my door and peeping through the hole and seeing who it was. I don't even know who it is and they knocked really violently. And it was Kaliya. My mom had to wait because this bitch is about to get a whipping.

"Mom, Imma call you back"

Victoria: Destinee, this is impor-

I then end the call and turn my Wifi off because I knew that she was going to spam call me. What does this bitch want? And how does she know where I live and she had her baby with her. What the fuck?

I then open the door.

"Hello? What business do you have being in my apartment complex?"

Kaliya: I know you probably still hate me right now, but we need to talk.

"Come in"

I then let her in with her having the baby in the push chair and she then sat on my couch. I then walk to my couch and sit down.

"So why brings you here? I'm so confused that's the thing"

Kaliya: Can you please hear me first?

"Okay go ahead"

Kaliya: Destinee, I'm a changed girl now. I've got a child and now I'm with Punga. He's taught me so much things and I don't know what was into me for taking the love of your life away from you and also just being an absolute bitch. I want you to meet Corey. He's my son and I want you to meet him because you were really nice to everyone around you and I want us to build a friendship and I want you to know that I'm sorry.

"Wow, I actually don't know what to say"

Kaliya: I don't expect you to forgive me straight away. It's good that I came and said it to you face to face to know that I've let so much baggage off my chest. And I will never speak to Duke again and never be near him. I'm now a changed woman with a son to take care of and an amazing boyfriend and I want you to know that I'm so sorry.

"Your son is so beautiful for real. And I accept your apology and I've got your Instagram and everything. Imma unblock you and send me your number and we'll talk okay?"

Kaliya: Thank you.

"Do you want anything before you go?"

Kaliya: No i'm okay but we'll talk.

"Got you"

I then walk her out and say bye to Corey and then hug her and she looked so beautiful ans just happy. I'm so proud of this new journey of her. And I won't be telling the girls until she said something to them as well. Because this is a first and this made me feel some type of way.

I then call my mom back and then she picked up and she was crying and she has my sister in her hands.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Victoria: I'm good.

She then gets in the car and cleans her tears and leaves the house and drives and then she starts to look at the road and Hazel looked so worried for mom and she also saw me on the phone and she smiles and I said.

"Mom you've got to talk to me"

Victoria: Destinee, can you hold on for a minute. I'm here driving and you distracting the shit outta me.

"I'm sorry you was the one who called me and also I wanted to tell you something that happened just now"

Victoria: What happened when you ended the call with me 2 hours ago?

"I had Dukes ex come to my house with her baby, coming to apologise to me about what happened in the last couple of months and to be honest, she was being honest and she wants to be friends. She looked healthy and she looked beautiful and radient"

Victoria: That bitch better be serious because she won't see another day if she does something else to ruin everything that you have.

"Don't worry she won't we still gotta talk properly and start talking about what happened in the past in detail but she's been far. But Mom, where are you driving too?"

Victoria: Baby, promise you won't be doing some crazy shit to your dad when I tell you this because you're my daughter and whatever happens to me and your dad, just know I will always love him okay?

"Mom, just cut to the chase, what is going on?"

Victoria: You've got an older brother and a younger sister that your dad cheated on me with, years ago and now your dad is going back to drinking because they've now moved in with us. And now me and your dad are filing for divorce because he doesn't stop abusing me and your sister.

"Wait, what?!"

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