Playing With Each Other's Belly Buttons Part 2 (Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction)

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In the usual spot, Hayner wanted to mess with Roxas's belly button, since they were alone. He slipped his hand underneath his friend's shirt and felt at the soft skin to find the deep hole. Eventually, his finger found the deep indent, and his finger dipped inside.

Roxas giggled. Not because it tickled him, but because of how random this was. "Geez, not even a warning," He chuckled. He looked over at Hayner, and saw that he was blushing slightly, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"So-Sorry," Hayner mumbled bashfully. "I just wanted to feel it again,"

Roxas just smiled and shook his head. "You must be Mark now or something," He giggled. "What if I just poked yours randomly like? You definitely would be laughing all over the place," Roxas teased, as he wriggled his fingers over to Hayner's slim stomach.

Hayner's heart dropped, and he gasped. "Roxas no!" He started to laugh already, and he dragged his fingers out from Roxas's shirt and scooted away from him on the couch.

Roxas just smirked at him.

Hayner has an incredibly sensitive navel. Just a slight brush on it sends him into hysterical laughter.

Hayner just sat there, shielding his tummy with his arms. "Please no,"

Roxas giggled. "So you can poke mine, but I can't poke yours?"

"Roxassss," Hayner whined. "You know my belly button is super sensitive," He pouted.

"I know~,"

Hayner just grunted and rolled his eyes. "Just... please... I wanna just touch yours without you touching mine..."

Roxas sighed. "Finneee," Roxas said as he pulled up his shirt. "Here, my belly button," He said, exposing his pale skin, with his incredibly deep belly button.

Hayner smiled, then came over, and pushed his finger down into the belly button, wriggling the tip of his finger inside. He rested his head on Roxas's shoulder as he fiddled with the innie.

Roxas's tummy grumbled slightly, his belly button vibrated around Hayner's submerged finger.

"A little hungry," Roxas said, with a blush.

Hayner smiled. "Mark and Sora will be back soon with something," He said.

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now