Chapter 1

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Dipper's POV

Eleanor stood up tall and smiled an evil grin. "You don't want me to miss."

I suddenly got an idea, a simple idea when you are playing tackle with your sister. I quickly kicked out my legs and swept Eleanor off her feet. I didn't hesitate a moment before I grabbed Mabel's hand and dashed off into the other side of the forest. Trees whizzed by and branches whipped my face as I tried to escape Eleanor. I had to keep running, I couldn't stop. A bright white light suddenly flashed in front of us and Eleanor appeared, looking furious. Mabel and I fell backwards and tried to scramble away, but she lifted us up with her powers.

She raised us up from the ground a little bit. "Tisk tisk you made me very mad." She blazed into a red color and glared at us infuriated.

"Please Eleanor! Let us go! Please!" I cried.

Eleanor gave a maniacal laugh. "I like you it again."

I didn't care of the shame I was bringing upon myself. "Please let us go! I'm begging you!" I could feel my face getting wet with tears of fear.

Mabel stared at me with a distressed look. Mabel was terrified as much as I was.

"You really think I'm going to let you go? NO!" Eleanor screeched. "Do you want me to call Bill so he can finish you off?"

A white light flashed by Eleanor and Bill appeared. "There is no need to call, I'm already hear." Bill said. Bill whispered into Eleanor's ear and an evil smile crept onto her face that sent shivers down my spine.

"I guess...I'll let you live. For now." She dropped us onto the ground. Eleanor walked up to Mabel and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up. Something shined in Eleanor's other hand. "I never liked you." She said. Eleanor drove her hand into Mabel's stomach and when she pulled back, a bloody knife was gleaming in her hand.

Mabel hunched over and fell to her side in shock and pain.

"MABEL!" I cried. I raced over to her and put my arms around her. Mabel was trembling and tears ran down her face. "No! Why are you doing this?!" I felt my anger rising and rising.

"I said that I'll let you live, but that doesn't mean I cant torture you." Eleanor said simple as she twirled the bloody knife around.

I reached into my pocket and felt my pocket knife. I took it out and opened. I flung it straight at Eleanor and it dug into her arm. Eleanor jumped surprised and looked down at the dagger, inch deep in her skin. She pulled it out and gold blood dripped off. "Ouch." She said and her cut healed. Eleanor leaned down and handed the knife back to Dipper. "Go ahead, cut me, do it again. I certainly love pain."

I watched her in horror. I raised the pocket knife to stab her again, but I couldn't. I dropped my hand in defeat. Eleanor leaned back up, laughing. "I knew you couldn't do it Pinetree. You're as weak as the rest of your pathetic human family."

Eleanor leaned close to me as I held Mabel who was loosing blood quick. "I'll be back tomorrow, let's hope she dies." Eleanor grabbed Bill's hand, who was smiling brightly, and they both vanished.

I held on to Mabel. "It's going to be ok, it's ok."

Mabel's eyes fluttered. "D-Dip...I-I..." She was too weak to speak.

"Mabel, sh, it's going to be all right. Just...just hang on. There's still hope." I said.

Mabel looked at me confused, weakly. "I-I thought y-you said we h-had no hope?"

I looked up at the place Eleanor had been standing. I couldn't answer. Because we were out of hope.

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora