Chapter 24

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Dipper's POV

What was I going to do? This was all going down hill way too fast. It was spiraling out of control. We were all chained up now! How could I save the world and sneak around Bill's searching gaze if he had a tracking device on me?! I now walked more slowly to the Mystery Shack, bummed out about being caught and captured. But I couldn't give up now. The lives of everyone, including myself, was at stake.

I would be there sooner or later, but hopefully Bill would leave me alone. If I made it to that secret room alive, I would have to assume Bill saw no threat in that.

That's when a question struck me. If I end up defeating Bill, what would happen after? The world has been destroyed, everything has been turned upside down, the people will forever be traumatized. How could everyone go back to normal? What would happen after?

And Eleanor...

Her parents were dead. She would have no one to return to. She'd have to become an orphan. How would she even take it on when she has no parents to take care of her?

She moved away from California, where I live, and where ever her relatives are, they must be far away too. If Eleanor had stayed in California, maybe none of this would have happened? Maybe she would have ran into me and just said sorry, and continued walking, because we were strangers in California.

It would have been so different then.

I wanted to pull out my journal and gaze upon its pages since it was the only recognizable thing to me anymore. But it was different too. Why did I ever have to find that stupid journal?!

I came upon a hill and gazed down. I could see the Mystery Shack in the distance. I was close. I wish the journal had a weakness listed for Bill. Nothing was about him being in reality, there wasn't even a weakness listed for him when he was in your mind. We had to figure that out for ourselves.

Would I have to find out his weakness by myself this time? Would I even find out what it is, and if I did, would it be too late?

I shook my head angrily. I was thinking to much. The more I thought, the more discouraged I got. I finally reached the familiar forest surrounding the shack. I ran up into the clearing where shack stood. I felt happy to see the comforting house. I raced inside and ran to the kitchen.

Food and water would come first. Then the vending machine. I drank up the water from the fridge and ate the left overs from days ago. I didn't care, I had to get going. I refilled my water bottle quickly and went to the gift shop. It was dark and musty in here now, making the air thick. I walked up to the vending machine. I stared at the buttons, my stomach churning with anticipation. "Ok..." I sighed. I typed in the code: A 1 B C 3. The vending machine hissed out air and swung open.

I jumped back in awe as it revealed a stairway. A lantern hung against the wall...lit. I swallowed. This is bad... I walked down the stairs and grabbed the lantern.

"Ok, ok..." I whispered. "" I walked slowly down the stairs and found an elevator. "Oh God, what the heck?" I said confused. I opened up the elevator and let it descend.

How have I never known about this place? Does Stan know about it? Why was this lantern already lit? Has someone been down here?

The entire ride down I was thinking to myself again. Fear was edging up on me. The doors opened and revealed a room.

I gasped in shock. Eleanor was right. Futuristic tech was lain across this small little office. Buttons and flashing lights blinked everywhere. But the thing that most disturbed me was the giant structure on the other side of a window. I walked past the office and through the door. I stumbled back. A giant upside down triangle was mounted on a wall, a circle of colors swirled in the middle. What was this?! That's when I noticed a person. A person was standing in front of the structure.

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