Chapter 16

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Eleanor's POV

Dipper and Mabel were being very cautious with me, like they were afraid I'd break apart. Mabel was talking to me a lot, but Dipper had become instantaneously distant from me.  I wanted to apologize, but it wasn't my fault Bill had punished me for crying after I killed my parents.

I now sat in the corner of the room with Mabel sitting next to me. Dipper had gone back to his bed, refusing to sit by me. I guess he really was terrified of Bill. Mabel had been keeping me company and telling me that it was ok and that I had been fine before they even told me what the mark was.

"You gotta realize that you are fine, I mean, you were ok before we...told you." Mabel reassured.

I sighed and tried to push away from her. "No, I'm not fine. I never was fine." I held back my tears. "I was being controlled all along. Have I even been myself?"

Mabel grabbed my arm in insistence. "No! Eleanor! Please don't say this type of stuff...this is what Bill wants."

I sniffed. "I guess he's gonna get what he wants."

Mabel sighed. "D-Dipper? Little help here?"

Dipper continued staring out the window. "She can' helped. She's being possessed Mabel."

Mabel screamed at Dipper and threw her shoe at him. "DIPPER! We had helped you before! So it's possible to be...helped."

Dipper finally faced Mabel and refused to look at me. "Mabel, he's gonna be more careful this time. You're definitely not gonna defeat him with tickles now."

Mabel puffed and marched up to him. Dipper flinched away as he expect a blow to the face, but Mabel just angrily snatched her shoe back. "Jerk." She snapped. "Eleanor is on the brink of losing it and you're no help!"

Dipper threw his arms up in exaggeration. "Well Mabel! What are you gonna do?! HUH?!"

Mabel backed away from him as she held her shoe. "Dipper...I-"

"NO! Just, I've tried to help her and it's absolutely no use." Dipper kicked his dresser. "I've tried to make everything work out but it's a hopeless case!"

Mabel's bottom lip quivered. "But-"

"No." Dipper turned away from us. "Just stop. It's not even worth it."

Mabel burst out crying and ran out of the room and down the stairs. I just watched her run down, unemotional. Dipper growled and sat down angrily and crossed his arms stiffly. I stood up quickly and stamped over to him. I raised my hand and slapped him across the face.

"Ow!" Dipper cried as he held his cheek. "What's your problem?!"

"What's your problem?!" I screamed. "You are having a bad attitude and you made Mabel cry and you don't even care!"

"I do care!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes. "Please. It sure doesn't look like it! If you did care you'd be worried for me and you'd be trying to help! If you did care you would have gonna after Mabel!"

Dipper stood up. "I. Do. Care!"

"Oh yeah?" I threatened. "Prove it!"

His face was red with anger. He suddenly grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss. I was too shocked to even move. He pulled away a moment later and his gaze bored into mine. He stormed past me and out of the room and disappeared down the stairs like Mabel had.

I stood their stiffly for a second and then took off after Dipper. I ran down the stairs and outside. I saw Dipper storming into the forest. "Dipper!" I called out.

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now