Chapter 52

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Eleanor's POV

I woke up slowly, feeling the heat of the pillow beneath me give me comfort. My mind was sort of groggy, not really putting together the pieces of last night. I moved ever so slightly and realized something immediately. 

This wasn't my bed.

This was Bill's.

Of course I had fallen asleep in Bill's bed...again. Where was Bill? Who cares... He was probably off doing demon stuff somewhere. 

I yawned, my arms trembling as I stretched. My pillow felt...weird... I stiffened up. Oh, dear God... I looked down and realized that it wasn't a pillow I was curled up and laying on top of. It. Was. Bill. Blush rushed to my face immediately and I swallowed nervously. I let my eyes trail from my legs swung around his body up across his chest to his sleeping face. 

He was breathing slowly and evenly, so peaceful and quiet. If I didn't know he was a demon,  he would have looked pretty human to me. 

I studied him carefully, trying to remember last night. I watched sleepy and.... and fell asleep on top of Bill? God, I was such an idiot. I had spent all of my time here trapped in this castle only for me to fall- I mean, only to like this stupid demon who caused me more pain than anyone else. Maybe I couldn't help myself but let him grow on me. His charming ways and desperate attempts to flirt. The sweet things he did to make up for what he had done or just because he wanted to see me smile. 

I looked back down, not knowing if to move off of him or stay here. Either way felt right. I frowned and looked back up at him.

His eyes were open. "Enjoying the view?" Bill asked smugly.

I scrunched up my nose. "Ugh, you're awake."

"Yes, and you're the one lying on top of me." Bill counter with a smirk.

I sighed awkwardly. "I-I am indeed...."

"Tell me, how did you find yourself in such an intimate position? You are only fourteen after all."

At that I rolled off and away from him and laid on my back. "There's something wrong with you and your dirty little mind." I growled, blush rushing to my cheeks.

Bill laughed. "I'm sorry, it is my duty to embarrass you to the best of my ability." Bill hooked his arms around my waist and dragged me back even though I protested him. "What's your problem?" He asked. "I bet you slept better on me than if you slept in your own bed." 

I rolled my eyes, trying to stop the heat from staying in my cheeks. "Ha ha, you are surely hilarious, Bill." I crossed my arms, but it was a slightly awkward movement since Bill was still holding me still. Sure, Bill knew the boundaries I had - being only fourteen - but personal space was not one of them. 

"I sure am." Bill smiled. "So, did you enjoy the movie?"

I sighed. "Of course I did, that was very sweet of you. And speaking of that, did you enjoy the movie, or were you watching something else?" 

Bill blushed, which surprised me since he rarely did. "It was good. I saw that scene that we reenacted, we did mimic the scene pretty well." 

I smiled and slid, slyly, out of bed, over Bill, and onto the floor. "Now...if you excuse me, I'm going to go get changed."

Bill sighed. "Fine. Fine. We should watch these movies more often if they get you in bed with me that easily."

I scoffed in disbelief. "Uh! Pervert!"

Bill laughed and watched me walk out. The castle felt cold and dark, but in Bill's room - with just his smile - it made me feel warm and happy inside.  Ugh, Eleanor, what's gotten into you?! I asked myself, feeling ashamed that Bill was slowly reeling me in and I was starting to get tired of fighting back, eventually I would give up and just let go... I let the handle on the wall appear and stepped into my room.

Ghost began barking excitedly at my entrance.

I smiled at the dog and picked him up. "Aw, I'm sorry," I whispered playfully to the puppy's face, "I slept with Bill last night..." I froze and went quiet. "Let me rephrase that... I fell asleep in Bill's room last night." Ghost had his ears pricked and his head cocked to the side in confusion as if he could sense my embarrassment and frustration. "You know what, never mind." I set Ghost down and decided to change. Dresses, dresses, dresses. It drove me crazy!

It was all that was in the stupid chest. I finally picked out a strapless dress, cream colored, and the skirt went down to my ankles - almost made of silk, it felt like. I slipped it on, not realizing that as the days went on I was growing even more and more accustomed to Bill's ways.

That wasn't all good...

I looked down at the golden dress in the trunk that still had Dipper's pocket knife hidden in its folds. I swallowed and closed the chest, doing my best to ignore it. I kissed Ghost on the nose and exited my room and went back to Bill's. I knocked on the door, praying he was dressed this one time, and he swung open the door. Thank God, he's dressed for once... I thought in relief.

Bill gave me a hurt look. "I for one thought I had an attractive body..."

I blushed. "Oh-uh, you do have an attractive body. Wait. Never mind. Just..." I paused, cutting myself off before I ruined myself further more. Instead of Bill's regular clothes, he was wearing a tuxedo. "Anyways, what's the occasion?" I asked quickly, changing the subject.

"I'm throwing a party, something's happening tomorrow so this is a little before-hand celebration." Bill explained, smiling brightly.

I didn't bother asking what was happening, I just smiled. "This time, no magic spells on me."

Bill rolled his eye, "Ok, I know, I know." He smiled as if he was reminiscing that day. "I'd think by now magic wouldn't be required."

I scrunched up my nose. "Please, I'm not gonna be giving you pet names or kissing you - so save it."

Bill pouted pathetically. "Aw..."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "So, so desperate. Shouldn't you go get it ready?"

Bill nodded. "Yeah, I mean, the party is happening late afternoon and I fell asleep with you, so I gotta do it now."

I formed my lips into a thin line, trying to push the awkwardness of earlier away. "Right."

"It'll be quick, don't worry; magic." Bill strode off, smirking.

I followed him instinctively. He lead me to the ballroom where the they had the last celebration and the memories - most that made heat rush to my cheeks - flashed through my mind. Bill began flicking his hands at different places in the room, lights lighting up, tables and food appearing, a pile of orchestra instruments flashing into place at the front of the room, and the chandelier bursting to life.

I smiled at the beauty of his work when I really looked at it. "Nicely down." I said with an over dramatic tone.

Bill bowed. "Why, thank you." Bill stepped over to me. "You trust me enough to dance once more when the party begins... right?"

I hesitated, thinking of him using his magic to make me lose all sensibility. "On one condition."

Bill raised his eyebrows, interested. "Oh yeah, and what might that be?"

"You're not getting drunk on champagne or whatever the heck." I said with a slight smirk.

Bill chuckled and leaned back up. "I can't promise you that."

I narrowed my eyes and Bill laughed. "I won't be using magic on you. I learned my lesson."

I crossed my arms, not sure if to trust him or not. "Promise?"

Bill took my hands, unhooking my arms and stared me straight in the eye, and smiled. "Anything for you." 

All you Beleanor haters, please don't hate me!!!!!!

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