Chapter 56

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Eleanor's POV

Oh God, I was so embarrassed. What was I thinking?! And Bill, I felt like I was now teasing him - but not on purpose!!! UGH! I flopped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. I felt like such a horrible and messed up person. Being around Bill was changing me! If I was....normal, I probably would have gagged at the thought of him kissing me, but, no. Of course not. I wasn't normal.

Ghost leapt onto my bed and licked my arm affectionately.

"Ghost, I'm getting worse by the second!" I exclaimed to the innocent puppy. "I just keep going back and forth, back and forth between hating him and liking him!" I slammed a fist into my pillow. "I made a fool of myself out there...." I squeezed my eyes shut and crossed my arms. "And I let him, gosh...." Sometimes I wished Dipper was here to guide me, but I felt myself drifting farther and farther away with him with each passing moment. I didn't want to lose him completely, but I couldn't give Bill up either... I never realized how hard this was going to be...

Bill's POV

I sat on the couch, holding a full glass of champagne, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it. All of the other demons celebrated joyously, but me - the host of the party - was sitting like a dud on a sofa. I sighed and, in a bored manner, examined the golden liquid. "Why is she so...complicated?" I asked myself. When I saw her, I smiled and felt happy, but I wished she was more accustomed to my ways instead of constantly saying, "but I'm only fourteen" which was always her excuse. Of course the years went by like a breeze, but I didn't think I could wait another year until she stopped saying that. Were all humans this way? Was it only if you were fourteen? If I had gone up and done the same things to Pine Tree, he couldn't have said "I'm only fourteen" because he wasn't!

I dropped dramatically against the back of the sofa and groaned. Humans were all so confusing and had so many stupid and unnecessary rules. 'under aged drinking', I mean please. What is that?! The moon was rising higher in the sky and I felt the oppression of tomorrow looming over me. Tomorrow was going to be a spontaneous event. I wasn't sure if I was prepared... I made the glass vanish and stood up.

One of the demons from the crowd sluggishly moved its way over to me and asked where my wife had gone.

I had momentarily forgotten I was married to Arrow and sighed. "She is back in her room." My voice came out more depressed and agitated than I expected.

The demon gurgled some words at me.

"It is?!" I ran to the window and looked at the moon, and sure enough. In one hour midnight would reach us. I growled. Arrow would have to come back out for the midnight toast. It would surely be slightly awkward, because I just had to not focus on what Arrow wanted. I had only been focusing on what I wanted. Yeesh, I was so selfish. "I...I will go get her in a bit."

The demon made some strange comments that Arrow would have found inappropriate and offensive and went on with it's business.

I rolled my eye and used my magic to make a golden-petal rose appear. I held it steadily between my fingers and sighed. Ok. I told everyone I would be back momentarily and walked down to her room. I prayed she didn't think I was being a creepy stalker - not leaving her to be alone in her own room.  I knocked on the wall. "Arrow, I know you just left...but..... you need to return."

There was a silence and the door opened. Her cheeks flushed slightly when she met my gaze. "Why? Can't I be in my room in peace for one moment?"

I sighed. "Yes, yes. I know. I just have to have you until a little after midnight." I explained.

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