Chapter 40

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Merry Christmas everybody who celebrates it!!!! XD Ya'll get an early chapter for this special occasion! ;D

Eleanor's POV

It had been a total disaster... The ceremony, the celebration...everything. I thought maybe I could try to lighten up a bit since it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere, but Bill crushed that hope and tossed it into an abyss. I sat in my room, in bed. I presumed it was very early in the morning, maybe two o'clock, and I was still awake. I couldn't fall asleep.

The events of the celebration still haunted me. Did Bill really like me hugging onto him and being in love with him? Did he really like it when I kissed him and danced around like I was totally in love? Did he like those casual conversation we had in the party and how I wasn't afraid to talk to him, think or converse with the others?

It disturbed me...

He was a demon. Demons shouldn't have feelings, but then again, they shouldn't be human either. I stared up at the ceiling, Ghost snoozing at the end of my bed. I can't believe he wants me to be like that. I thought incredulously. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. He ruined everything with the magic usage. Bill would always come crawling back with an apology and I'd say no, but I'd see the hurt in his eyes.

How was a demon supposed to know what was right and what was wrong? I growled and slammed a pillow on my face and screamed into it. I wanted to see Dipper again... I wanted my life back.

I just wanted everything back. I sighed. Maybe I could start plotting an escape plan? Maybe I could go up to that bubble and get Dipper and find Mabel so she could help me reverse everything. But how are you going to escape? My mind countered. I bit my tongue lightly. I don't know... "Ghost?" I whispered.

The cute little gray dog shot his head up and began wagging his tail. I patted my lap, which was hidden under the comforter, and Ghost trotted over, his yellow eyes glowing happily.

"Do you know a way to get out of here?" I asked him.

Ghost just stared at me and barked happily. He licked his little pink tongue on my nose. I sighed and patted his head. "Didn't think so..."

Ghost leapt off my bed and began padding around my room thoughtlessly.

I leaned my head back against my pillow. "Can you let me go, Bill?" I asked the empty room and I got no response. "Didn't think so." I repeated my answer to Ghost.

I groaned and got out from my bed and peered through my window at the outside world. The chaotic clouds still swirled around, barely revealing the sky. I could see my bubble between the train tracks still floating there. I inhaled sharply when I saw, instead of an arrow, a pine tree. It's his tomb. My mind whispered.

Tears built up in my eyes. "Dipper..." I cried quietly. "Dipper." I squeezed my eyes shut tight and let the tears run down slowly. "Why did you have to sacrifice yourself...your life wasn't worth it." My sobs grew louder and I sank to my knees in pain.


I whipped around, bewildered, to see Bill standing in my door way with the door swung open. "What are you doing here?" I spat.

Bill closed the door behind him. He was wearing a yellow pajama top and black sweatpants for his pajamas. Bill frowned at me. "I came to-"

"Apologize?" I interrupted tartly. "Save your apologies, they have no meaning to me anymore." I turned away from him, resting my cheek against the wall.

"I heard your thoughts...I can't set you free." Bill murmured.

I shot up a glare as sharp as daggers. "Why not?! Don't you want to make me happy?!"

Bill turned red with anger before he forced himself to regain his composer. "Yes! But if I let you go, I won't be happy."

My gaze narrowed. "Oh, because you won't have me to torture." I said harshly.


I blinked at his response, so sturdy and firm.

"Because I won't have you." Bill explained reluctantly.

"'Cause you're greedy." I muttered tartly.

"Maybe, but I enjoy your company." Bill seemed to struggle with every word.

"Find someone else's company." I ordered him. "I'm no use for you now."

"But it's your company that I enjoy..." Bill admitted. "Your company."

I flicked my eyes left to right in confusion. No... "W-what do you mean?"

Bill opened his mouth, his eye desperate. "Because I-" he snapped off. "I can't..." He whipped around in fear and raced away.

"Bill!" I called out. I ran up to the door just to see the door melt into the wall and the handle disappeared. I slammed my fists into the wall. "BILL!" I felt frustrated and angry. God dammit. He almost said it, he almost proved he wasn't a total demon.

But he didn't...

Bill's POV

What was I thinking?! I can't talk to Arrow like that, I knew that she had already been guessing for a while, but this strange feeling of anxiety and fear had struck me, making me lost for words. I did the only thing I could think of and ran.

"BILL!" I could hear Arrow's screams of anger pushing through the wall.

Guilt swallowed me up and I made myself continue walking.

"What was he thinking? Why didn't he just...tell me?" Arrow's thoughts traveled to my head and I stopped walking. "He could have proven that he wasn't so bad after all...but he didn't."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. She was right...I could have, but I didn't have the guts to do it. But I didn't have anything to lose, so why worry? But I did have something to lose.


I could always just make a fake one with my magic, but it wouldn't be her. I needed her. If it wasn't the real Arrow, then what was the point.

I never in a million years would I have guessed that I would have eventually fallen for a human girl, and of all of them, the one who hated me the most. I leaned up against the wall and took deep breaths. My breathing was irregular. I never usually got nervous, this was strange for me, and I was thinking I'd have to adapt to this feeling sooner than later.

"What am I going to do?" Arrow's thoughts came back. "I wish Dipper was here to help me..."

My heart shattered into a tiny million pieces. Why did she want Pine Tree so bad? Why not me?! Pine Tree was DEAD! I crossed my arms, my skin turning bright red. I almost spun around to tell her that myself, but I knew that she would hate me even more after that... I pushed the dark demonic feelings away and continued walking to my room.

"I am going to find a way to escape..."

I let out a quiet gasp. The tough and sincere tone in her thoughts chilled me. Was she really going to plan to escape...? I looked over my shoulder and stared down the hall that lead down to her room. I did feel guilty for bringing her into my room, I guess that was a sort of strange situation for her to be in. I mean, waking up in someone else's room after passing out cold at a party, not a really good scenario.

"Ok, steel yourself Bill...she's just a human girl. I don't need to bother with her." I assured myself, but I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I guess I was used to getting exactly what I wanted...

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