Chapter 37

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Eleanor's POV

This feeling that Bill left me with was suffocating and awful. He obviously didn't know how to treat a person as a person. He knew how treat me It was the strangest thing, because he, over the months, had been slowly figuring me out.

I set Ghost on the ground so he could trot around happily. My entire body was trembling because Bill - his gaze would just bore into me like he was trying to dig into my soul. It was terrifying.

Why did he have to care? That just made it even harder to toss him aside and escape. But I hated him, he didn't have feelings... But he did. UGH! "God, I hate Bill!" I screamed and punched my pillow.

Ghost let out a high-pitched bark.

"Don't...ugh....I'm not going to argue with a dog." I rubbed my hands over my face in exasperation. "I need to talk to him and just...figure this out." I murmured to myself.

I stood up and straightened out my stupid wedding dress. "Maybe he can give me a change of clothes too..." I walked up to the wall and the handle appeared, thankfully, on the wall. "Stay, Ghost." I ordered him.

Ghost sat obediently. I nodded and stepped out. I shut the door behind me and began to wander the halls. "Ok, ok, just gotta find his room..." I sighed. My heels clacked against the tile and it was annoyingly loud. I stubbornly took the heels off and through them onto the ground. "Stupid...heels." I marched off farther and passed the ballroom and made sure the memories didn't force their way through. "Probably a big-" I broke off as I found a large hall leading to a set of large double doors. "This has to be his room."

I ran up and grabbed the handle and pulled it open. "B-" I stopped short.

Bill was taking off his white shirt with a pair of pajamas lain on his bed. He was lifting it over his head at the moment. My face turned bright red and I slammed the door and turned on my heel and walked away stiffly.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope. NOPE! My face was red hot.

The door opened back up and I spun around and covered my face. Why...God why....?

Bill had his shirt off and just his pants left on. His face was confused when he found me in the hall. "What are you doing here?"

I didn't meet his eyes, I stared at the ground. "I-I...I just wanted to..." I growled to myself. It's just Bill...jeez. "Ok, I wanted to-" I finally looked up and he was leaning against the wall, still confused.

I can't do this. "You know what, never mind. Never mind. I'm just going to go back to-"

"Wait, Arrow!" Bill grabbed my arm once again and I closed my eyes, forcing myself to calm down. "You know I can read your thoughts." Bill seemed concerned now.

"Uh, right..." Dammit. "Right......."

Bill smirked at me. "What's your question?"

"I-I-" Stop looking at him, dang it Eleanor. "I need new clothes. I'm not going to constantly wear a wedding dress."

Bill knew I was lying. "Mhm," Bill threw me a key, "that chest in your room has clothes in them."

I nodded, feeling my anger and embarrassment flood over. "Thanks." I said as I caught it. "That...that is all." I turned around and sped off as quickly as I could.

"Arrow, what is your other question?" Bill asked as I was halfway down the hall.

"There isn't another question." I didn't turn to face him.

"Sure, keep on believing it." Bill's voice drifted up from being me.

"It's...true." I huffed and walked up. Dipper, what is happening to me?! I need your help... I wish you were here.
I wasn't really thinking about Bill reading my mind....

When I finally reached my room I stomped over to my bed and angrily plopped down onto it. "Ugh, this is so messed up! I'm so messed up!" I covered my face.

Ghost barked and ran out from under my bed. He cocked his head to the side.

"I'm such a messed up person! But I'd reckon my brain had been fried long ago when this all first started." I sighed in frustration. "Part of my common sense was left behind in California."

Ghost barked twice and, as if he could sense my frustration, he growled.

"He's manipulating me!" I cried. "He's probably doing some strange brain magic on me!" I threw the key at the chest in a fit of rage. It hit the lid and clattered onto the black wooden floorboards. "I hate this life!" I screamed pathetically.

Bill's POV

I went to go talk to Arrow. I heard her thoughts and it made me smile, but I had to hide it. I had gone up to her room and I heard her throwing a temper-tantrum.

"He's probably doing some strange brain magic on me!" Arrow screamed and I heard a loud clank followed by a faint drop and then silence. "I hate this life!" Her scream tore through me.

I swallowed hard. Was I doing this to her? No.... She was just putting herself in turmoil. And she thought it was my fault.


I was tempted to open the door, but I knew it would end with her stuttering and freaking out again. I hadn't bothered to slip on my pajamas anyways. I went to walk back, but she spoke to herself again.

"I hate him so much!" I could just see her crossing her arms on her bed grumpily. "Why does he...he have to do this?" More silence. "He killed my best friend. I shouldn't even be thinking about forgiving him."

A pang of sorrow went through me.

"He killed my best friend..." I heard sobs drifting out of her room. This wasn't my place to comfort her.

I let my hand drop and I walked away. I would never be able to have Arrow for myself...ever.

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