Chapter 47

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Eleanor's POV

I woke up next morning feeling refreshed and smiled as I stretched and yawned. Ghost immediately woke up and hopped over to me. I rubbed his little head and gave him a kiss before I went to my door, still in my blue cotton pajamas. Time to check on Bill who was, hopefully, sober by now.

I threw open my door and flew down the hall and back to his room. I reached his door and knocked on it before prying it open. "Bill?" I asked quietly. I peeked in and found him sitting at the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. "How yah feeling?" I asked, giggling as I recalled him last night.

"Awful." He grumbled.

I walked up and to him. "Hangover?"

"No, just feel sick." He yawned and raised his head up and met my eyes and he blushed. "Um-"

"Don't make this any more awkward than it is." I interrupted him quickly. "Trust me."

Bill chuckled nervously. "God, what happened?" He asked.

I couldn't help, but blush as I recalled our kiss. "Well, a lot happened."

Bill studied my face and his gaze dropped to my lips. "Uh-oh...I remember."

I shied away as embarrassment washed owe me.

"Tell me that wasn't a drunk endued illusion." Bill said paranoid.

"No, I wasn't." I replied carefully.

Bill sighed. "Phew."

I rolled my eyes. "I just came to check that you were ok since your obviously all better now, I'll-uh, I'll go..."

"Wait, Arrow, you're not getting away that easily." Bill said, his tone stern.

Well, Bill was definitely back. Demanding and firm. "What do you want?"

"In honesty, another kiss-"

"Pervert... Jesus..."

"-but, I think we need to talk. Am I right?" Bill finished with a smirk.

"No, you're right." I sat back down. "So what are we? Are we together or what?"

"Isn't there some type of ritual to perform to be 'dating' someone?" Bill asked.

"Why is it when you say ritual I think 'human sacrifice'?" I asked scared.

Bill laughed. "I don't know, but answer the question."

"Ok, well, not really a ritual, but..." I paused to think. "Usually a guy would ask a girl 'will you go out with me?' or 'will you be my girlfriend?' And then whoever he asks has to say 'yes' and bam, you're dating." I finished explaining and Bill took a moment to think.

"Hm, that's strange." Bill sighed. "Well, I didn't ask you so that answers your question."

I scrunched up my nose in agitation. That was true, and I kissed him anyways. "So...what now? I kissed you."

Bill shrugged. "Who knows."

I exhaled quickly. "Fine. I'm going to go back to my room."

Bill went mute and gawked at me.

"What? You don't want me to leave? There's nothing left to say." My tone came out harsher than I expected.

Bill looked hurt and glanced at the ground. "Ok..."

I sighed and walked back out of his room and to mine. I never really thought what would happen after kissing him. Now it was just even more awkward. We're not dating, but do I hold his hand and smile at him or do I play it like it never happened? He never even told me those three words that would open a door to my heart, but he seemed insistent on not saying them aloud. Well, that was his fault if he ended up losing me...

Besides, how did I even convince myself that it was ok to just forget Dipper? He told me he loved me right before he died and he meant it, and here I was, throwing that away for some stupid demon that was the cause of that. The guilt came back, even more painful than before.

I figured that I was just using Bill as an excuse to push away the guilt and pain, but the truth was, is that it was always there. I leaned up against one of the walls of the hallways and took in a shaky breath.

"Dipper, I'm sorry. I'm such a idiot... If you hate me now, I understand..." I sniffled tried to breath. "I-I love you too..."

Bill's POV

Ouch. Arrow's words hurt. But she was telling the truth and that was the worst part. I kept on wanting her, but I was doing it all wrong. Stupid. I really wished I hadn't gotten drunk, then none of this mistake would have happened.

It was true - of course it was - that I liked her, but I couldn't make her happy... Apparently Pine Tree could...

I willed myself to get up and follow her and maybe resolve this better. I tip-toed out and down the hall. I had to be careful of what I said, then maybe it would all be normal and not even awkward anymore. I smiled at the thought of that and rounded the corner.

I gasped when I saw her leaning against the wall a little ways away. I hid behind the corner and waited.

"Dipper, I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot." She said.

God, again with Pine Tree? I thought darkly with anger.

"If you hate me now, I understand..." Arrow sniffled and I stood on the other side of the corner, baffled.

"I-I love you too."

I staggered back and tried to hold myself against the wall, and almost fell. No, I'm too late... How dare she say that about Pine Tree and Pain ripped through me and took two shallow breaths, a searing feeling coursing through my veins. I'm too late. I turned to run and just dropped to my knees. I couldn't get the words out to stop her..

I was a demon.

And she was a human.

I guess that's all we'd ever be...

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu