Chapter 29

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Dipper's POV

Wendy lead me out onto the roof of the mall. She told me about how she had been scouting from up here to see how the town was doing. She told me every time she came up here, everything was worse than before.

She told me that it was still changing.

Standing on that roof and looking down at the town just close enough made me realize that it was even worse than I imagined.

"Man...this isn't going well..." I sighed. I held a Pit Cola in my hands that Wendy had given to me to drink.

"I know, right? I just can't believe that your Eleanor friend is the cause of all of this." Wendy said as she sat down next to me.

I tightened my grip on the can. "No. She was tricked. That's all."

Wendy seemed to take the hint that it was a touchy subject and then left it alone. "What do you think we can do to stop all of this?"

"First, we've got to save Eleanor and then find a way to un-stone Mabel." I explained. I slipped my free hand in my pocket and held the Mabel statue gently. "We've got to win this...I can't just give up and leave Mabel like this..."

Wendy nodded understandably. "I get it. I miss Mabel too, man. It's weird without her crazy demeanor."

My throat tightened. "Yeah. Me too." I leaned up against Wendy's shoulder. "I hope we can do something about all of this."

Wendy patted my head in a mocking sort of way. "Mhm.."

I finished up my drink and stood up. I looked down and flung it to the ground. The oddest thing happened, when it bounced off of thin air and then landed in the street. "What the?" I leaned over and stared down.

The air suddenly began to static where the can had bounced and a human form began to take shape. It was Blendin again.

"What? Blendin? What are you doing back here?!" I called down.

He gasped and looked up. "I'm trying to fix this, but Bill has stopped all of our forces!"

"What can you do?!" I called down.

"I-I...uh..." Blendin seemed hesitant to answer. "Oh no, my cover's been blown!" He pulled out the tape measure and disappeared into a different time.

"NO!" I angrily crossed my arms. "Well, that certainly was a helpful waste of my time."

Wendy shrugged. "He's no use anyways." Wendy murmured before she took a slow sip of her soda. "How can we get in?" She asked.

"I usually climb up the mountain and enter the bubble that way, but Bill knows where I am. I don't know if he'll take you or-"

"Dude. It's fine. If he...captures me, I know that you'll stop him afterwards." Wendy sighed and threw her soda can down too.

"Should we get going?" I asked reluctantly.

Wendy gave me a curt nod, her eyes stern. "Definitely."

I helped her up and we walked back into the mall and went towards the exit.

"So, what is it even like in there?" She asked.

"It's all black tile, and she's chained to the ground that are, I guess, enchanted. It's weird in's pretty creepy."

Wendy pushed open the door and stepped out after me. "Are you sure you can't take off that bracelet thing?"

"Nope. I've tried as hard as I could. I think only Bill can take it off." I said bluntly.

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