Chapter 2

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Today, September 17, is me birthday! YAS! I am fourteen now. I've been following Dipper's words that 'Thirteen is only technically a teen' and now I've graduated that stage! Hahaha! Yas!! Es mi cumpleanos feliz sucker!!!

Dipper's POV

I frantically flipped through the journal in search of anything to help Mabel. I couldn't run back to the Mystery Shack, I felt like Eleanor would be waiting for us. I finally found a page that said a type of leaf, grinded up into powder and sprinkled on the wound would heal her cut. I touched Mabel's shoulder reassuringly. "I'll be right back, it's going to be ok."

Mabel looked at my tiredly and nodded ever so slightly. I gave a forced smile and ran off to find the leaf. In the journal, it had shown a picture of a huge oak leaf with dark blue spots on it. I followed the directions to the location and found a small bush with the same leaf that had been depicted in the journal. I plucked one off and ground it up and brought it back to Mabel.

Mabel still lay down and her breathing was shallow. I sprinkled the powder on the wound and looked at her quickly. She still looked in pain, but, I thought to myself that it'll probably take time for it to heal. Mabel looked at me in the eyes. "Thanks Dip." She whispered.

I smiled back. "Anytime Sis."

Mabel groaned a little bit. I wish I could trade places with her, I wish I could just be in her shoes and let Mabel be fine. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I jumped as I suddenly flashed into a vision. I saw Eleanor and Bill standing in space, though, it was all black and white. Eleanor looked furious, but not at me. Bill. She was acting like she was talking to a video camera.

"Ok, Pinetree, listen up...apparently Bill being human was only for a little bit so he could grab me for a partner. He needs to have a body to use and we were wondering if we could use yours. In return..." She looked at Bill reluctantly. I realized she wasn't mad at Bill, she was mad at the fact that he couldn't stay human with her, "in return we'll spare Shootingstar and not harm her."

Bill waved his hand in a motion that said go on. Eleanor sighed angrily. "And I'll fix up that stab wound." Eleanor was very angry at having to ask me for help, I could tell. I could tell she was only doing this to keep Bill.

I thought to myself. I could save Mabel, she'd be out of harms way, she wouldn't be hurt. She'd be safe. I could save Mabel. I looked at Eleanor who was waiting impatiently. I could tell in her eyes that she didn't believe I'd take the deal. I sighed and was trembling. "I'll do it."

Shock lit up her face for a second before she smiled. "Well, well. We'll be coming down. Don't keep me waiting." And I was shot out of the vision and back into the present.

Mabel was staring at me. "You'll do what?" She asked.

I stiffened up. "M-Mabel, I love you, ok. Don't forget that. I found a way to save you and keep you safe. You'll be safe."

Mabel looked at me wildly. "W-what? What are you doing?"

I was trembling. "I'm going to keep you safe. And remember, no matter what happens...I'll always love you, even when it seems that I'm not there."

"Dipper! What did you do?!" She was panting and was trying to sit up, but she was still weak.

"It's going to be ok now." My voice cracked. I might never see her again. I took her hand. "I-I love you."


A white light flashed and Eleanor and Bill appeared. Bill seemed to be more transparent and was glitching like a broken computer screen. Eleanor walked up and Bill walked up ahead.

"This is certainly interesting, you'd think I'd be used to inhabiting your body now." Bill said devilishly

Mabel looked at me in horror. ", you didn't...please tell me you didn't!" She began to cry.

I swallowed. "I did. It was the only way to keep you safe."

Mabel tried to grab me, but clenched her stomach in pain. I looked a way from her. I looked at Bill now and saw he was getting even more transparent. I swallowed again. Bill smiled at me.

"You ready Dipper?" My name sounded weird in his mouth.

I looked at Mabel quickly. "Please don't Dipper! Please! I need you here!"

I couldn't stare at her and faced Bill again. "I-I'm ready."

Bill stuck out his flaming, transparent hand. I looked at is for a moment. "I love you Mabel." I said and I heard her gasp and I shook his hand. Bill suddenly disappeared and I felt a tearing in my chest.

"Dipper!" Mabel cried.

I looked at her. "Mabel I'm sorry." My voice glitched between Bill's and my own.

"Dipper please!!! Take it back!" She wanted to get up, but she couldn't.

"It's going to be fine." I grunted as my voice changed again. I fell to me knees and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt a strange ripping and then nothing. I opened my eyes and saw the ground. When I stood up, I was floating. I looked behind me and saw me. But not me. Bill stood up in my body and opened his eyes. Those weren't my eyes. Those were a demon's eyes. Bill turned to Mabel and smiled.

"Dipper?" She whispered.

"Haha, Shootingstar," Mabel's face melted into pure horror as she heard Bill's voice, "Dipper is gone!"

Eleanor sighed and snapped her fingers. Mabel suddenly didn't look so pained and she stood up. She put her hand to her stomach and gasped. The wound had disappeared, because of Eleanor. Eleanor smiled evilly.  "Dipper sacrificed his soul to save your life. I'd be pretty grateful, then again, I'd be pretty guilty."

Mabel dropped back to her knees and cried. "Oh God, Dipper!"

I wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, sooth her pain, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I didn't exist anymore.  

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