Chapter 11

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Eleanor's POV

The next day was quite confusing for me. I felt WAY more powerful after- you know- killing my parents and all. I also felt slightly depressed. After having that break down of crying as I saw them lying dead on the floor, I knew Bill knew.

As soon as I returned and told them they were dead, he evaporated my human suit and screamed at me for crying. He told me that he was extremely disappointed in me and how I was mourning their deaths. He was proud at first for me laughing at their lifelessness, but when I fell to my knees and broke down, that's when he stopped everything and waited for my return with a punishment.

Bill seared a symbol into my wrists, a red, burning, hot thickly-outline triangle into my wrist. I didn't feel pain, but the thoughts of pain sent from him were punishment enough for me to shut up and follow his orders.

Now, I was walking to the Mystery Shack in a costume of Pine Tree as I searched for Wendy so I could go on the lake trip. After that punishment, I was grinning manically, happy to make a fool of Pine Tree while enjoying myself. I was killing two birds with one stone. I opened the gift shop door and leisurely strolled in.

As I expected, Wendy was at the counter, counting the minutes to when her shift was over. She sat at the cash register and lightly tapped the buttons. I smiled and ran up.

"Hey, uh, Wendy!" I called out.

Wendy looked down at me and smiled back. "Oh hey Dipper! Have you decided if you wanna go to the lake with me and my friends?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah! I wanna go! I have nothing better to do!"

Wendy gave me two thumbs up. "Right on!" She hopped on top of he counter and swung her legs over. She obviously wanted to talk more than work. "We're gonna be going to the lake and we can go water skiing, if Thompson can get his mom to hand the equipment over." She brushed her hair back. "Anyways, Thompson was dared to follow the map soooo here we are, going to follow the map."

I smiled and nodded blankly. I Ok, Eleanor, you can't act out now or she'll make you stay here...just wait. I stuffed my hands into my pockets. How could Pine Tree have a crush on this girl? She was way older than him and so out of league! I tapped my feet awkwardly. But what did I have to say about it? I didn't understand love anymore. It was a ridiculous emotion. It had no meaning at all and it was just a useless emotion.

"Great! I'm excited for it! When can we leave?" I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall.

"In about..." Wendy paused. "Five minutes."

I nodded and smiled, but on the inside I was angry that I had to wait before I turned everything to chaos for poor, innocent Pine Tree. I leaned up against the counter.

"So..." I started awkwardly. "I'll be right back..." I ran out quickly and I heard Wendy call out confused.

"Wha-ok?" She said.

I quickly slipped on a Mabel suit and modified my voice. I had to find out some stuff about Pine Tree before I went on the trip.

I opened the door, as Mabel, and stepped in. Hopefully Mabel didn't decide to come in just then. "Hey Wendy!" I said in her cheerful voice.

"Hey, did you see Dipper run out?" She asked.

I nodded quickly. "Yeah, he said he would be right back."

Wendy put her elbows on her knees and rested her head.

"So, I was wondering, how do you feel about Pine Tree?" I asked straight up.

"Pine...Tree?" Said Wendy baffled.

I stiffened up. "Dipper! I meant Dipper!"

Wendy chuckled awkwardly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how do you feel about him? Is he cool? Is he nice? Is he weird? Is he cute?" I clasped my hands together. Was I saying this type of stuff right?

Wendy laughed. "Why you asking?"

I shrugged. "Just wondering."

Wendy tapped her chin. "Well, he's a cool guy. I mean...I guess you could say he's...cute-?"

"You mean you like him?!" I don't know why I suddenly though this was so important.

"Well, no, I mean, I like him as a friend! But not like I wanna get together with him!" Wendy put her hands out in defense.

"What if he asked you out? What would you say?" I bit my lip. I was almost forgetting to stay in character...


Suddenly all the words she was saying was blown away as my attention focused on to the approaching foot steps. Mabel's foot steps.

"UH! ONE SEC! Be right back!" I ran down the hall, where the foot steps were coming from and I then turned invisible immediately. Mabel rounded the corner as soon as I vanished.

I let out a breath of air and discarded the costume. I got out of the shack quickly and rested against the wall. I wanted to go back in as Pine Tree, but Mabel was there. Oh was Pine Tree, not me.

I slipped on the costume again, feeling slightly deprived for the sudden magic use. I walked back around and back in. When I walked in, Mabel was talking to a very confused Wendy.

"-but you were just here! I swear! You asked me all these questions!" Wendy exclaimed.

"No...." Mabel trailed off.

"I think she's been eating to much Smile Dip." I spoke up.

They both looked over at me. "Hey Dipper." They said in unison.

"And no," Mabel added, "I haven't eaten any of that stuff."

"Even if you had you wouldn't have been able to remember." I said smoothly and walked up.

Wendy laughed, but she glanced at Mabel quickly. She was thinking about the question 'Mabel' had asked her.

"You ready to go?" Wendy asked as she stared at the clock with one minute left.

"Yup!" I exclaimed.

Mabel's eyes widened. "Dipper?! You're going?!" She pulled me aside rapidly. "Bro," she whispered, "you are currently being possessed by Bill and you want to go to the lake?!"

I shrugged.

"What's with you these days?!" Mabel gripped hard onto my arm. "First it was pranking and now this! How do you not see the seriousness of this occurrence?!"

I shoved her away and played along with the Dipper act. "Well, you appear to be fine and dandy enough- even though your brother is possessed- to go on the trip as well!"

Mabel glared at me. "Ugh! This is your problem not mine! I don't have to sit in my room and cry for you!"

I bit my lip hard. "Well, maybe I don't want to spend my little time of freedom wandering under a dark cloud." I argued back. "Maybe I want to use that freedom!" I smiled at myself for being so in depth with this character.

Mabel shook her head. "Pft, fine. But if you suddenly glitch out and go insane, don't come running to me!"

"You would help me though- right?" I asked pitifully.

Mabel went silent. "I-uh...yeah. Yes, I would. I wouldn't leave you hanging."

I put on a fake sympathetic smile. "Thanks Sh-Sis." I quickly corrected myself.

Mabel smile weakly and hugged me. "Please get better." I heard her whisper.

I closed my eyes and pictured Pine Tree screaming till his throat hurt at us. Screaming at Mabel that that wasn't him. Screaming at me...screaming at me...

I opened my eyes.
When would this horrible splitting feeling end?

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