Chapter 33

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Eleanor's POV

The quill suddenly began to glow brightly in my hands. It burst into flames of golden light and it swirled up my arm. I started breathing hard, fear creeping through me.

"Good choice, Arrow." Bill let go of my hands, a look of triumph across his face.

Pain zapped up my arms. I whimpered as the light crawled up me and surrounded me. "You said-"

"You won't be a demon, just my little angel." He said mockingly.

The tears trailed down my face in pain as the light fully engulfed me. The wind was knocked out of me as I was encased in an orb of golden light.

I couldn't see anything but white. I tried to find Bill or the trees, but there was nothing to see. Finally the light vanished and I dropped to the ground. A new golden bracelet, shaped just like my arrow, wrapped around my wrist. My hair was done up, curled and lain over my shoulders. I was wearing a white gown, like a wedding dress, and it was as if I had never gone through any type of war.

"What the...? What is this?!" I asked him confused.

Bill snapped his fingers, a snappy black tux appearing on him. "We are to be wed, of course."

"WE WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Don't worry, you're parents are now alive, they'll attend, of course, and I am not going to harm the Pines family." Bill said.

"Dipper's alive?!" I cried in happiness.

Bill gave me a confused look. "What? No. That wasn't the deal."

My heart dropped. "No-no! I thought- NO!"

Bill shrugged. "Arrow, that wasn't on the contract! But don't worry, Shooting Star is alive, but it's not like I'm freeing her. I caught her fair-and-square."

"NO BILL! Please! I didn't know that that's what-"

"You should have read the fine print! Now follow me. We can't be late for our own wedding!"

"Why?! Why Bill?!" I screamed. The long train and the dress itself was somehow remaining perfectly clean. Probably magic infused.

"Because! When I marry you, that power that put you on the wheel will be available to me! And why not get it now while I can!" Bill took my hand. "I wouldn't recommend trying to run. You're mine now."

I felt like screaming and tearing him apart, but I knew beneath that warm-smirky smile, was darkness and black magic. I forced myself to reluctantly follow.

He lead me out of the forest and to the ceremony. There were rows of chairs that were inhabited by all types of demons and monsters that were attending. At the very front were three people.

My mom, dad and Mabel. Mabel was surrounded by a red aura that Bill was obviously using to make sure she didn't run away. On the other row, my parents sat, chained to their chairs.

Bill walked up front, leaving me at the end of the aisle. Bill reached the end and smiled.

No, no. This can't be happening. I can't be getting married to a demon. No. NO NO NO! I stood there, my heart racing and limbs stiff.

The wedding music was playing, but it sounded strange and alien.

My mom and dad turned to look down and gasped when they saw me. I felt tears filling my eyes. They were alive... But they had to be alive to see this...

My feet suddenly lurched forward as I was forced to walk down the aisle. Mabel turned and saw me, her mouth dropped to the floor in shock.

Does she know Dipper's dead? I wondered.

Everyone was staring at me. "My God..." I whimpered.

I finally reached the end of the aisle and the music stopped. A slender creature stood in the middle of the arch. The arch was made of intertwining black branches and bones. I stepped up the wooden steps and stood in front of Bill.

The creature began speaking in a language I couldn't understand.

I frantically looked down at Mabel. Her eyes were wide in horror.

What are you doing?! She mouthed.

I had to... I mouthed back unnoticeably.

"Eleanor." A whisper drifted up.

I looked slowly to my left to see my parents staring at me.

"What is happening?" My mom asked, fear plainly displayed on her face.


I quickly turned my face back to Bill. His eyes were stern, but they then softened and he smiled. "I do." Bill said.

I flinched as the creature spoke to me. No, no. This can't happen. The creature stopped speaking, meaning I had to answer.

My body was filled with dread as silence floated throughout the place. I had to keep them alive.... "I-I do..."

The creature then spoke a few words and the monsters and demons all applauded and cheered.

Bill then pulled me towards him, making me gasped and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes were wide open in fear. Bill the drew away, smiling wildly and raised our hands that were clasped together.

I saw the look of horror on my parent's faces. I'm sorry... I mouthed.

Bill picked me up and I grasped for a grip desperately. "You'll be coming home with me tonight."

I shrank back in fear in his arms.

"Don't be afraid." Bill crooned. "It can only get better from here." He snapped his fingers and we vanished.

Haha, she's no longer Eleanor Gennings anymore.
Sorry, too soon? XD

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