Chapter 20

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Dipper's POV

I now sat in the shack, up in the attic. Gruncle Stan still remained unseen- maybe he was shopping? Did I feel guilty for leaving Mabel to stop this alone and for abandoning Eleanor? I guess.

Ok, yeah, I do feel guilty, but I wasn't gonna crawl back because of that. If I didn't care then I wasn't going to care.

But what if she's in trouble, man? I asked myself.

"Which her?" I asked myself back aloud.

Mabel, you idiot. I said to myself.

I slapped my face. Here I was, arguing with myself and calling myself an idiot. I hugged myself, trying to hold back my insecurities. What if she was in trouble? What if she really did need help?

I stood up, getting ready to run out and find her, but I stopped myself.

No, I thought, she can do this on her own. She isn't that immature. The guilt came back. I had no right to say she wasn't immature, I was the one who told her that she was immature and-and made her...

I quickly looked out of the window and gazed at the sky and the forest. Chaos still rained down upon us and what was I doing? Nothing. That's right. Nothing. The guilt came rushing back stronger. I had made Mabel cry, I had said horrible things about her and Eleanor and I hadn't even apologized. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Dipper, it's cool. They're both gonna be the end." I closed my mouth promptly. I didn't even believe my own words. I looked back out the window, half expecting all the destruction to be gone, but it was still all wrong.

I looked at my backpack that I had packed that was lying at the edge of my bed. I bit down lightly onto my tongue. I then shook my head. "No, no, no, no." I said hurriedly. "You don't need to rush out and regret it all over again." I then paused again.

The ground suddenly shook beneath my feet and a loud-meow?- rang through the air. "What was that?" Another meow sounded again. I tried to see what was causing the weird meow, but it must have been pretty far away.

I shrugged and went to walk away when a scream type roar raced through the air. I covered my ears at the piercing sound.

I had a horrible sinking feeling as the seconds ticked on after that roar. A jolt suddenly ripped through me. Something really bad just happened.

I grabbed my backpack and flung it on my shoulder. "I'M COMING MABEL!" I shouted. I raced through the forest as fast as I could. My legs felt as heavy as stone, weighted with guilt. I passed the spot where Mabel and I had separated. I prayed that Mabel wasn't hurt as I past the lake. I halted quickly as I saw Bill in the distance. He was surrounded by a bunch of colorful minions. They were going up a giant, black, brick pyramid. I gawked at it in amazement and horror. Well, Bill seemed to be distracted. Maybe I could find Mabel without a problem. I ran through the town which was utterly ruined and...I don't know...weird-ified? I tried to ignore everything that had changed, so I basically had to ignore everything. I finally got out of the town and into an open plain. A huge crack was gouged into the ground. Large prints were in the ground. There were two different types of prints on the ground. Cat prints and horse prints.

"W-what the?" I stammered. I looked down and saw tinier footprints, footprints my size. Mabel's footprints. I felt my stomach contract in uneasiness.

I ran around the edge of the of the crack and onto the other side. I could see blood on the ground and pieces of Mabel's sweater. Skid marks were on the ground where the blood was. "No! No my God! Mabel! MABEL?!" I searched around frantically. I could see drag marks, like someone was dragging Mabel. And then. Nothing.

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