Chapter 41

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Eleanor's POV

I had begun planning an escape immediately. The terror driven into me from Bill drove me further into escape. I  had monitored the outside world through my tiny window and planned what I could use to escape. I had sifted through the clothes in my chest to see what I could use, but there wasn't anything but shoes and clothes. I went into my bathroom and desperately scrambled through it.

While looking through the chest a second time, I saw the wedding dress in it. I growled and lifted it out. I held it tightly, grimacing at the memory, until something sharp poked me.

In confusion, I realized there was a pocket in the dress. I reached in and gasped. It was Dipper's broken pocket knife... It had stayed in my dress when Bill changed me. I felt glee shoot through me. Thank you, Dipper. I thought silently and stood up, tucking the knife into one of the deep folds of my dress. Now I just had to tour the castle myself to find a way to escape.

I walked up to the wall, praying the handle would appear, and like magic, it did. I sighed in happiness and twisted it open and stepped out. I looked both ways when a bark sounded behind me. I jumped and turned to see Ghost glowering at me, like he didn't want to be left behind. I growled and reluctantly let the puppy come along.

Ghost's tail shot up and he happily trotted out and followed me. I carefully raced down the hall, away from Bill's room, and to the thrown room. I peered in slowly and looked up at the thrones. A sickening feeling filled me and I had to push it away. I ran as fast as I could across the opening and to the large front castle doors. I took a deep breath and grabbed the handles of the doors and prepared to draw them back when I heard footsteps.

I gasped and leapt aside, hiding behind one of the pillars. "Ghost." I whispered through gritted teeth.

Ghost stood in the open happily and padded around.

"Ghost." Fear crept through me. I fell silent when the footsteps stopped and turned towards the front doors.

"Ghost?" It was Bill. "How did you get out here?" Bill walked up and I ran down two more pillars, my heart beating rapidly. He picked up the puppy who didn't realize what was happening.

I made it to the last pillar, taking silent deep breaths.

Bill went mute and I heard him whisper, "Arrow..."

I took my chance and ran as fast as I could down the hall. Panic flared up inside of me as I heard Bill's footsteps coming in my direction. I found the wall and tried to grab the handle, but it did not appear for me. "No, no, no!" I said under my breath in terror.

"Arrow!" Bill called in shock.

I whipped around in fear and pressed myself against the wall. "B-Bill...leave me alone."

Bill was actually still in his pajamas for some reason and he held Ghost gently. "What are you doing out here?" Bill knew what was happening, I knew he knew...

"I was just... It doesn't matter." I told him quietly.

"What were you trying to do?" He repeated tartly. I saw his grip slowly growing tighter around Ghost.

My gaze flicked from my dog up to Bill. "That doesn't matter! I can't just be trapped in my room all of the time! And done expect me to just up and forgive you that quickly!" I screamed.

Bill swallowed hard. "I regret what I did, I didn't realize it would matter to you that much, but please, let me start over!" I had never heard him so desperate.

"I don't think I can..." I felt unsure of my answer. "Bill, you've done so many sins to everyone, Why did I even forgive you in the first place?" I turned my broken gaze upon him to see pain etched into his face. "You lied, manipulated, terrorized...killed..." My voice faded. "You're a demon." I struggled to gain the strength in my words again. "And that's all you'll ever be."

Bill was silent as stone and he dropped Ghost from his grasp and the dog crumpled to the ground and blinked in surprise. Bill stared into space as if he couldn't comprehend the words I had just said to him. He finally looked down at me, confusion and heartbreak clear as day. "Is that all of what you think of me?" He asked me quietly. "A demon?"

I took deep breaths, an eery silence falling over us. "That's all I see."

Bill's eye watered and a pained frown spread across his face. "And I thought I knew you. Humans are a lot more hurtful than I thought..." Bill turned around and walked away, leaving me in silence.


I sat in my room, in bed, staring at the roof once again. Ghost was asleep on the floor, not disturbing a thing. My thoughts were torn between trust Bill and pushing him away. His personality was so dynamic and unpredictable, I never knew what to expect from him. But this time, he surprised me, when he turned the tables.

I had confronted Bill about everything he did and said he was nothing more than a demon. Maybe I was nothing more than a monster... I closed my eyes slowly, trying to wrap my head around everything that had just happened.

I sighed and got out of bed. I couldn't believe this was happening... It was my turn to apologize. I walked up to the door, turned the handle and stepped out soundlessly. Grief weighed me down as I made my way down the hall and towards Bill's bedroom. I reached his door and hesitated before opening it.

"You can do this..." I whispered ever so softly to myself. I grabbed the handle and drew the door open.

Bill was laying in bed, just as I had been, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. I blinked in wonder at the stillness, the peaceful look to him at the moment. But stress and confusion made the air thick and heavy. "Bill..?" I whispered.

Bill slowly raised his head and when he saw me, his gaze didn't light up not darken, it stayed blank and lost. "Yes?"

"I have come to say something to you..." I started off slowly.

Bill sat up carefully and examined me, taking in every detail. "What is it?"

"I have come to apologize."

Bill's eye widened, but he didn't speak.

"I came to apologize for how I acted back I've been acting. You've tried hard to better yourself, and I never took notice of that. I'm sorry." I clasped my hands together and I could feel the dull poke of Dipper's pocket knife in my dress.

"I don't believe you..." Bill's tone was hurt.

"You just have to just trust me, I'm sorry." I shut my eyes momentarily, focusing on my slow breathing.

"Do you mean it?" Bill asked. Beneath the sorrow of his eye, was a faint glimmer of hope that shone through.


Bill sighed and a ever so small smile quirked up the corners of his mouth. He laid back on his pillow, closing his eyes. "Good..." He sounded relaxed and tranquil now.

I held my breath as I walked up beside his bed. A small smile on his face made him seem happier before. I leaned over and kissed him quickly on the lips. Bill's eyes fluttered open just as I drew away and closed the door behind me, feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

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