Chapter 18

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Eleanor's POV

It was happening. He was back.

He was here.

In reality.

Eleanor 2 had the proudest look on her face as she smiled at the sky. The sky was a swirling rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow and black. The wind had picked up dramatically and blew my hair around in my face.

Bill dropped down to the ground. I held onto Dipper and Mabel's hands as he faced me. Bill stared me in the eye.

"Well, well, well." He sighed. "It appears I found my little minion." Bill said snootily.

"I am not your minion!" I screamed. "I've never once have worked for you willingly!"

Bill laughed in my face. "Yeah right." Bill turned to Eleanor 2. "Nice work." He commented. Eleanor 2 was glowing with pride. "But, it appears I've acquired my goal..." Bill tapped his chin. "Hm, hm, hm." Bill made a lightbulb appear over his head. "Oh! That's right!" Bill faced Eleanor 2. "I don't need you anymore."

Horror crossed her face. "W-what? But I've done everything for you!" She cried.

"Exactly, and I don't need you any more." Bill said. He lifted up his hand.

Eleanor 2 met my gaze and for a moment there was regret. That's your fault... I thought. You didn't listen.

Bill snapped his fingers and Eleanor 2 screamed as she was ripped into nothingness. I stood ridged. That was the strangest thing, seeing myself in agony as I...I technically died. Bill then turned to us. "Hm...and what to do with you two?" Bill broke off laughing. "Oh, it's feels so good to be like this!" He spread his arms apart happily. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this!"

I tried to run, but Bill levitated me off the ground. "Oh poor poor Arrow. All of this agony that you've endured...for this." Bill chuckled. "It's quite worth it."

"Put me down!" I cried.

Bill twirled me around slowly. "I don't think so." If Bill had a mouth, he was most likely smiling widely. "I've got big plans for this dimension."

Dipper then stepped forward. "Put. Her. Down." His voice was stern and controlled, more than I had ever seen it.

Bill then looked over in interest. "Oh, Pine Tree. Isn't it nice seeing you again. In person."

Dipper's face was stone cold. "It's nice seeing you again too." His voice held a late dose of irony in it.

Bill laughed, like he liked this new slightly arrogant and brave Dipper. But he didn't. "You coming to watch the end of the world?" Bill twirled his finger around, making me spin with him.

"Dipper..." My voice came out no more than a whisper. "Please help."

Dipper glanced at me for a moment before looking back at Bill. "Sure, but I won't be able to stay. I'll be too busy stopping you."

Bill laughed again, a real laugh. "Oh how pitiful- trying to intimidate me, are yah?"

"Why not? This time..." Dipper faced me, "fear doesn't control me."

I felt my heart swell. He did care. Dipper did care. He cared enough to want to face his number one fear, to risk it all. He wasn't lying after all.

"Aw look, how cute." Bill said mockingly. "This human love is incredibly ridiculous." Bill looked at me. "If you hadn't fallen for Pine Tree, I may have never been here. So, thank you."

Dipper gave me a shocked look. I was such an idiot...I thought he knew? Maybe he still didn't believe that I had taken a deal for that...maybe he had hope it was for something I was desperate for, not greedy enough to risk the world.

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now