Chapter 8

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Eleanor's POV

I stormed away from Pine Tree and into the forest. What was happening?! Why did he somehow trigger this strange horrible feeling every time he spoke?! How did he do that?! I gripped my chest in desperation. This was not going to happen. It always felt like a stabbing pain inside of me. This sharp dagger of memories, protruding through.

If this lasted any longer, I'd tear myself apart! I leaned up against a tree in the middle of the forest. When was I going to be able to steal the journal? Of course he had to have it down in the basement where he visited daily. But with stupid Pine Tree pestering me constantly, it seemed almost impossible for me to be able to complete the task at hand.

I looked up through the canopy of leaves and I tried to calm myself. Wait, ha, when was a Dream Demon ever calm? I admired the sky for a little bit as I thought of what was happening.
Ok...Pine Tree is bugging me, Pine Tree is getting on my nerves, Pine Tree is annoying, Pine Tree is trying to convert me, Pine Tree is trying to remind me...Pine Tree.....

I snapped. "What the heck? Stop thinking about him!" I screamed at myself. I sneered. "Fine, I'll go talk to Shooting Star as him so I can get him off my mind. I dressed myself as him and walked back to the Mystery Shack casually. I quickly flew up to the window and peeked in.
"Sh- I mean- Mabel?" I called out in my disguised voice.

Shooting Star looked up quickly and ran up. She pulled me into a tight hug.
"Oh, God, I'm so glad you're here. Eleanor came and visited me and was saying horrible things to me! I was so worried!"

I rolled my eyes. "It's fine."

"So, do you know what Bill is doing?" She asked expectantly.

"No, just plans." I shrugged.

Shooting Star lowered her gaze. "Oh." She then took a deep breath. "Eleanor was threatening to hurt me, so I reminded her of the deal and she told me she'd gladly carry it on without Bill....I'm scared now. Like, we are now both vulnerable."

I pursed my lips. How would Pine Tree react to that? "Uh, don't worry're safe." I looked away in confusion of what to say.

"But we aren't safe, Dipper." She broke off. "Are you safe? Is Bill hurting you?"

"No." I answered quickly.

"Is Eleanor hurting you?"

I sighed. "Look, you should fear Eleanor. She is incredibly powerful and will most likely win! So, don't trifle with her Mabel."

Shooting Star's gaze was wide and horrific. "How could you say that?!"

"I wouldn't lie to you." I said tonelessly.

She scrunched up her nose in disgust. "Ugh, get out of here and only come back when you don't have a sour attitude." Shooting Star shoved me off the bed and shooed me out the window.

"Yeesh, kid, I'm going!" I climbed out the window.

"Dipper. Don't call me kid." She shut the window and walked back to her bed.
I scoffed at her and dropped back down.

I transformed back to myself and felt myself cringe. Hopefully me saying kid didn't give myself away or anything. I could still hear Shooting Star's words. How she said 'I'm scare now...' It usually made me smile and laugh, but I remained quite and just walked off. Maybe tomorrow I can try for the journal...

I quickly floated to the top of a tree. When I looked down I could see Pine Tree sitting upon the roof of the shack. He looked severely depressed and every now and then he would peek through the roof to check on Shooting Star. I felt the slightest twinge of remorse for him before I buried it away.

I was not going to be caught being sympathetic.

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