Chapter 38

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Bill's POV

The next morning I was excited. Today was the ceremony! I would finally be able to absorb Arrow's power. I had put on another snappy tux with my classic bow-tie and top hat. I brushed out my hair and walked out quite regally. I went down to her room and knocked on the wall. The handle materialized for me and I pried it open.

"You better be well dressed, Arrow. This is a very important ceremony." I peeked my head in. She was wearing her pajamas, blue cotton pants and a matching blue top.

"Ugh, I really don't care..." She groaned angrily.

"Dress nicely." I said more tartly.

"Fine, fine." Arrow said in exasperation. "I'll dress 'nicely', Bill." She growled.

I nodded and used my magic to pull out the dress I had specifically picked. It was a beautiful golden dress and a large flower blossomed from one shoulder. I smiled at the dress. "Put this on." I used my magic to throw it in her face.


I closed the door, chuckling, and walked away. Today was going to be great. She opened the door quicker than I thought. I turned around in surprise. She was gorgeous. I forced my mouth to not hang open. I waved my finger, using my magic to undo her hair so it was laid down in a heap of brown waves on her shoulders. She glared at me and slipped on the matching heels. "I don't really wear dresses, but then I spend time with a demon and suddenly I am changed." She met her amber gaze upon me. "Why's that?"

I smiled smugly and shrugged. "I tend to change people."

"People? Or just others in general?" Arrow persisted.

I thought for a moment. "That doesn't matter. Now please, follow me."

"Wait, I want to take off this bracelet." She reached for the arrow bracelet that was around her wrist.

"No, no, no!" I said urgently.

Arrow froze in mid motion as she reached for the clasp. "Why...?"

"Because, take that bracelet off and your life is ruined." I explained vaguely.

"Ok, yeesh." Arrow flashed her gaze at me and sighed. "Let's get this stupid ceremony over with..."

I hooked my arm into her's and smiled brightly. "Gladly."

Eleanor's POV

I couldn't get over the way Bill kept looking at me while he lead me out. It was unnerving. It hated it. He must know by now that the things he had done were horrible and still unforgivable. He had taken me out of the castle, which was a relief, because I was tired of seeing endless amounts of black tile.

He transported us to the outside world and there was a giant white-marble platform in the middle of a field. A huge pearl star was in the middle of the platform for us to stand on. "Ok, it is simple, Arrow." Bill said. "You will take my hands on the platform and there will be some words spoken and the ceremony will be over. It is quite simple."

I didn't know why, but I felt nervous. What exactly was going to happen...? Bill cared for me, obviously, enough to get me a puppy for my fourteenth birthday. There was a group of creatures gathered around the platform, awaiting expectantly.

"Bill...what are you going to do with my powers?" My voice came out more scared than I had expected it to.

"Don't be nervous."

"'re going to destroy the world...aren't you?" My voice cracked.

Bill didn't answer.

I began crying as he led me up to the platform. He's going annihilate all of humanity... I forced myself to stop crying, because there was nothing I could do. I was useless now...

We stood on the star in the middle and Bill forced a small smile. The sky was a swirling mass of dark clouds. I couldn't hear any people. No cries or shouts. Nothing. For some reason, that was more unsettling than their screams.

"Take my hands." Bill whispered.

My hands were trembling and sweating profusely. I was willingly going to let Bill bring the end of the world? Then again, what power did I have to stop him...? They shook as I reached out and obeyed him.

Bill flashed me a look as he realized I was shaking. "It'll be fine."

A couple of tears ran down my face. "No it won't." My voice barely squeezed out.

Bill's eyes shone and I realized there were faint tears in his eyes. He knew he was causing me pain. But he still ignored it. He hesitated.

"Don't do this Bill..." I whispered as more tears trickled down. "Please don't do this..."

Bill took a shaky breath. "I have to. Now b-be quiet." Bill blinked a couple of time as he closed his eyes and began muttering the enchantment.

A feeling of warmth raced through my hands and my body. I stood ridged on the platform. The creatures watched us in silence.

Bill's words grew louder and louder and there was a sudden tugging inside of me. I gasped in confusion as I felt my life beginning to drain out of me.

"What is happening?!" My voice came out weaker then I expected.

Bill didn't appear to hear me as he chanted the words. A strange glowing formed on my hands and I watched as the light seeped from my body to his. "Bill! Bill, please stop!" I cried.

It was as if I didn't exists.

"WAKE UP!" Panic flew through me. My vision was growing darker as he drew my power and life away. "BILL WAKE UP!" I screamed.

My feet suddenly hovered off the ground and a wind picked up rapidly, blowing my hair around wildly. "BILL!"

His chanting was faster and louder now, terrifying me.

He's going to kill me! I thought in horror.

"BILL!" He didn't realize what he was doing! He couldn't be! He wouldn't kill me! "BILL YOU'RE KILLING ME!"

Bill's eyes flew open, terror splayed across them. His hands shot away from mine, but not before a loud bang sounded and I dropped to the ground unconscious.


I woke up in my room, feeling bone tired and sick. I couldn't pry my eyes open, everything was so dim. I was in my bed under the covers. What had Bill done? I felt awful.

I sat up slowly and drew the blankets aside. I was still in my dress, but my shoes were off. I swung my legs off of the bed and stepped down.

Ghost began barking at me repeatedly.

"Ghost...I-I'm fine." I lied. I stumbled towards my door and fumbled for the handle. I swung the door open and found Bill standing there, still in his tux.

"What...what did you do to me?" I demanded, but my voice was weak and drowsy.

"I-I performed the ceremony. It went differently than I had thought it-"

"You could have killed me!" I cried in betrayal. "But then again, what do you expect from a demon."

Bill looked hurt. "I understand that...but you are much more complicated than I had figured."

"How so, Bill? How so?!" I said enraged.

"I was supposed to drain your power from you...but it was different... When I tried to take it, your life drained away too. The power was connected to you." Bill looked at me confused. I knew he was about to say something to add on to that. I could see it in his eye. "You were supposed to be on the wheel all along."

I gasped in shock. "What?! What do you mean? You added me on to the wheel!"

Bill looked as shocked as I did. "Someone took you off the wheel, someone altered your fate." Bill studied me. "Someone didn't want you on the wheel."

I backed away shocked. "W-who?"

Bill raised his gaze at me and his mouth dropped open in shock. "Oh my God..."

"What?" I asked baffled and scared. "Who was it?!"

Bill swallowed hard. "Ford..."

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now