Chapter 35

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Eleanor's POV

I sat in my desk, my eyes half closed. I had been in here for hours, not able to leave or do anything. Bill hadn't given me the key to the chest so I wasn't able to open it.

The sun - that was mostly hidden behind the strangely colored clouds - was setting, casting an orange glow into the room from the little window.

A knock suddenly sounded on my door, or rather, the wall. I jolted up and hopped off the bed, walking towards the wall.

The door suddenly took shape off the wall and a handle appeared. It twisted slowly and the door swung open. Bill stood there, still in his human form, holding the door knob. "I'm back." He said quietly.

I glared at him, my body was still drowsy from sleep. "I can see that."

Bill frowned and stepped in all of the way. "I was wondering if you wanted me to give you a tour of the castle?"

I stood in silence, but I thought for a moment. If I could learn the layout of this monstrous place, I could plan an escape. Then again, I failed at the last escape plan for my prison bubble... "Sure." I finally answered.

Bill smiled and grabbed my wrist, his hands wrapped around my golden-arrow bracelet. Bill's hands were strangely cold like he had no blood in his veins. Bill closed the door behind us and I glanced back to see it merge with the wall.

"So we do the stupid ceremony tomorrow?" I asked grumpily.

Bill sighed. "Yes, Arrow."

"I would sincerely appreciate it if you called me by my real name." I spat. I wasn't in the mood to put up with Bill and his crap.

Bill rolled his eye. "Please, it is what I'm mostly recognized for."

"Being annoying?"

"Being different." Bill corrected me exasperated. "Do you want to see the castle or not?"

"No, I do want to see it...sure do." I replied sarcastically, but he didn't appear to hear me.

The both of us exited the hall and into a grand ballroom. Large dark-glassed windows lined the sides. The marble tile floor dimly reflected the room that held a giant chandelier made of bones.

"A ballroom?" I said curiously. "I don't find you for much of a dancer." I stated firmly.

Bill chuckled and met my eyes, immediately making me shiver. "Well, I guess you don't know me very well." His took both my hands and I cringed.
"Care to dance my lady?" He asked politely.

"No thank you." My answer was curt.

Bill shrugged. "Too bad." He snapped his fingers and the torches lit up with blue flames. Bill held my hands delicately as he began to dance with me. I tried to pull myself away, but my hands appeared to be glued to his. Soft music drifted out of no where, matching our slow dancing pace. We made a small box-shape with our feet as we danced across the room.

"I really don't think this is necessary." I said in embarrassment.

"I really do think it's necessary." Bill corrected me. "We shall dance tomorrow after the ceremony for there is a celebration afterwards."

I felt a horrible agony in my chest. I never really thought of my future, and when I got married, I expected to love the man I married and for he to love me as well. But this... This wasn't what I had planned at all. Forced into marriage? This wasn't what I had wanted.

"Couldn't you just take my power without marrying me?" I asked.

Bill twirled me around before he answered. "No, it has to be so we are bonded and then I am able to."

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