Chapter 54

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Eleanor's POV

Besides the whole scene with Mabel and my parents, the party went great. Bill told me to worry about them later, so I listened to him. I wasn't going to let them ruin my night. Bill - probably twelve times - offered me champagne but, I reminded him all those twelve times that that'd be 'under aged drinking'. I mean, I was living with a demon, so it didn't matter. But I was determined to stay clear minded when he was around.

Bill spun me around on the dance floor, pretty sure he wasn't in his completely sober state of mind. At least it wasn't like last time. Bill smiled at me. "Having fun?!" He asked for probably the fifth time during the dance.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yes, yes I am. I already told you before."

Bill swung his arm around me and chuckled. "Oh, right. I forgot. Anyways..." Bill steadied himself, blinking a couple times. ".... I forgot what I was going to say."

I shook my head and made sure he didn't topple onto his face. I assumed that Bill's life had always been a constant party and he was trying to make me adjust to that. Eventually, that'd end in flames. Bill made champagne appear in his hand. "Want some?" He asked as he poured another glass and I swiped it away before he could drink anymore.

"For Christ's sake, Bill... I know you didn't promise to not get drunk; but still. Come on." I complained.

Bill nodded and raised his hands up in defense. "I know, I know. But this is what you do at parties, Arrow. You drink and dance and have fun!"

I narrowed my gaze, frowning as I inspected him. "Ok, but you start saying and doing some veeerrrry strange stuff when your tipsy so please, please, think of me and not just you."

Bill took a deep breath and closed his eye. "Ok... Fine." Bill made the glass I had taken teleport to his hand. "Why are you so boring, sometimes? I mean, come on. 'under aged drinking'? Seriously?!" Bill studied the liquid. "What does that even mean?"

I scoffed. "It means, I'm not twenty-one so I can't drink alcohol or any of that stuff."

Bill blinked and made a face. "Whaaaaaat? That's stupid."

I gave an unconvincing nod. "Oh, yes, sooooo stupid. I agree." I replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Thanks for agreeing with me!" Bill exclaimed and hugged me, spilling some champagne on the floor.

I cringed slightly at his awkward and flimsy hug. "Pft, you're welcome. Kay, let go."

Bill released me and steadied himself again. "Ok, one second..." He walked off sorta clumsily and left me alone. He walked up to one of the demons and rested an elbow on their...shoulder? I didn't know exactly what. "Hey." Bill said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed to myself and went up, grabbing his arm, and dragged him away. Bill tripped spilling champagne all over himself. "HEY! Arrow, Arrow?! What are you doing?!"

I face palmed. "Trying to get you away, but you are too stupid. Can you come with me-"

"Yes! Come with me to get a fresh pair of clothes!" Bill just dropped the empty glass on the floor, letting it shatter. "ONWARD!" Bill cried and stumbled out of the room, gripping onto my arm.

I tripped after him lousily and barely made it to his room in one piece. "Bill, Jesus Christ..." I grumbled as Bill unlocked his door and threw it open and proceeded to announce, "I'm home!" to an empty room.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh brother..."

Bill tossed me, unexpectedly, onto his bed. "Ok, uno momento porfavor." Bill said, giggling, before he made his way to his closet.

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