Chapter 26

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Dipper's POV

No. My image to Eleanor, to myself, was ruined. It's was completely destroyed. What. Had. I. Done? I fumbled with the pocket knife and dropped it onto the ground.

"Eleanor...please...I'm sorry. If Bill does tell you, I'm sorry that I almost let you down completely." I closed my eyes and made myself pick up the knife and put it in my pocket.

I told myself to never speak of it again. I wished I had the walkie-talkie so I could tell Eleanor I was fine. But I didn't. Maybe I should go do a sneak check. Bill knew I couldn't do anything to free her. Maybe I could just comfort her and apologize for trying to- no.
I wasn't going to say it.

I headed my way back to the orb.

I crossed the barren fields where I had found the giant crack and Mabel's foot prints and blood. I climbed back up the mountain- which was truly torturous- and stood back on the railings. Dejá vu... I took a deep breath.

"Ok, Dipper," I whispered to myself, "make it quick and brief." I stepped in. Immediately, I was slammed into the black tile. I groaned angrily and shakily stood up. I walked up and peaked back around that same corner.

In the middle, sat Eleanor, crying her eyes out. I ran up. "Eleanor!" I cried, unable to contain my relief.

"D-Dipper?!" Eleanor looked up in my direction. "DIPPER! DIPPER!" Tears of joy rained down her face.

I ran up an hugged her tightly, enjoying her presence and her voice. "Eleanor...did Bill visit you...recently?" I asked reluctantly.

Eleanor drew away, her face crimson. "I-I...yes..."

"What did he say?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up with understanding. "Why did you try to do that?! Why?!"

I lowered my head in shame. "I didn't know what I was doing. I wasn't thinking straight."

Eleanor hugged me against tightly. "I'm glad your not hurt too badly.

I could tell one thing else happened. I could tell by the way she looked at me in horror when I asked her if Bill had seen her. Her face was mortified that I brought it up.

"Eleanor...did Bill hurt you...when he came?" I asked urgently.

Again, she blushed fiercely. "Uh-um..." She swallowed. Her eyes shine bright with fear. "It was nothing..." She murmured.

"Don't lie." I said sternly.

Eleanor sighed and raised her head, her cheeks still flushed. I held her arms steadily. "What did he do?" I asked stubbornly.

Eleanor's eyes watered with starting tears. "He-I....he was taunting me, Pine-I mean-" She broke off in utter horror.

I broke away from her and backed away five feet. No! Was she possessed by Bill?!

"NO! Dipper! I'm sorry! Just, he's said it so much and- I'm not able to be possessed!" She showed her arm and unwrapped her arm, revealing a large bloody gash across her wrist.

"I don't's hard to-"

"I'm sorry!" Eleanor growled threw gritted teeth. "Please. Don't leave."

I walked back to her, slowly and unsurely. "Ok...don't slip up while talking." I chuckled, but my heart was rapidly beating.

Eleanor sighed and lowered her gaze. I prayed that she wouldn't soon get hooked onto Bill's personality. "Bill...he showed me a picture of and this blonde girl together.."

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