Chapter 25

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Eleanor's POV

I held my headband tightly in my hands as I fixed the tip of the arrow into the lock desperately. I knew it was a long shot, but any idea was worthy for me now. The chains rattled slightly as I twisted and turned it, but the lock didn't budge. If I couldn't pick a normal, regular, unenchanted lock, I was definitely going south with picking a magical lock with a headband.

I was gripping onto it so tightly that I was sure there were going to be red indents left behind. "Come....on..." I grunted. The headband suddenly slipped like lightning, in the process it slit the palm of my hand open and thwacked me in the eye. I screamed and cursed repetitively in pain and anger. I shook my hand as if I could shake away the pain. The cut was shallow so only a little blood trickled down my hand, but it stung, like a paper cut.

"Curse you Bill..." I muttered irately. I grabbed my headband and slipped it back on my head, not caring at all for the blood residue left on it. I crossed my arms stubbornly. This was the last thing I wanted to be doing before I died. "God...please hurry up Dip...I know you can do it..." I closed my eyes, relishing the darkness that blotted out the rest of the chaotic world.

A white light flashed through my eyelids, making me jump and shriek in fear. I raised my eyes up to see Bill staring down at me.

My face reddened with anger to the point I looked like someone had smeared red paint over my face. "What do you want?" I growled.

Bill ignored this. He grabbed my hand and made a disapproving tisk tisk sound. "Oh Arrow, look what you've done." He said as he gestured to the fresh cut on my palm.

I flushed fiercely and looked away. Bill drew his finger across the cut, healing it instantly.

"I would think that leaving you locked up here in a secluded room would leave you unable to harm yourself." Bill muttered.

I made sure to not meet his gaze. I was so angry right now.

"Look at me, Arrow." He used is magic and forced me to meet his piercing gaze. I flinched back, but held the gaze. "Are you mad that you have no idea what happened to Pine Tree?" He asked.

I held my tongue, but Bill knew that was right.

"I can't believe you're still 'in love' with this guy." Bill scoffed. He wave his hand across the air. The air rippled and up appeared an image. It showed Dipper, alive!

I smiled happily, but it quickly turned to a frown. He was with another girl, a blonde girl in a fancy mansion. The girl ran up and hugged him tightly and whispered to him softly.

I felt the tears of betrayal building up inside of me. No!

"You wouldn't want to stay with that two-timer...would you?" Bill asked simply.

I felt my stomach lurching in sickness of all of this. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Bill smirked at me. "That's what I thought." Bill turned around. "You wouldn't be able to trust the person who betrayed you. Heck, he could be running to safety with that pretty blonde right now...abandoning you."

"NO!" I finally managed to scream.

Bill narrowed his eye at me. "You won't choose to believe the naive of you. You'd think you'd learn after the way he's treated you. He only cares about Shooting Star and his girlfriend," he zoomed next to me, "which isn't you, by the way." Bill floated back.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn't stop them. Bill was just taunting me. I could hear it in his voice. But what if it was true? Who was that girl? Was that why Dipper was so reluctant to get with me seriously? Maybe that's why he had acted strange when we'd first met, because he was with someone else. My eyes were hot and wet with fresh tears. No, I would not believe this.

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang