Chapter 57

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Eleanor's POV

Here I was again, in the ballroom with Bill. I silently prayed that Bill and I didn't make out again or whatever because the after math was never good. Ever. I found that every time I got close to him, I smiled, wanting to hug him and hold onto him. My feelings had truly been altered since I had first met him.

I mean... I had sort of liked him what seemed like forever ago, but then I had Dipper to snap me out of it and help me.

Dipper wasn't to here to tell me otherwise...

So, without Dipper's help and persuasion, I held Bill's hand as he lead me back out. I tried to not think of Dipper's ghost watching me in disappointment or sadness - that only tortured me on the inside.

"Something up?" Bill asked, noting my sudden quietness.

"I was just thinking...about Dipper and if he is mad at me..." I told him the truth flat out.

A look of fear flashed across his gaze momentarily. "Oh, it's fine."

I clenched my jaw. "You don't need to be worried, Bill... I-I have you."

At that, Bill smiled at me and clenched his hand on mine. "Ok." He grabbed an empty glass and waved it in front of me. "You sure you don't want anything to drink?" He asked.

I pooched out my bottom lip as I thought and gave an exasperated sigh. "Oh, whatever; sure."

Bill's gaze lit up and he filled it up and handed it to me and made one for himself. "It doesn't take much for me to persuade you."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's what you think."

"If you don't believe me, I could give you some reasons of why I'm right." Bill suddenly turned to me and I was backed up against a wall; one of his arms holding himself up on the wall and the other holding the champagne glass.

I swallowed nervously, awkwardly holding the glass in my left hand. "Bill, come on. I think we've had enough of our moments today. We can wait till tomorrow..." I told him as a faint blush gathered in my cheeks.

Bill smirked, his shadow casting over me. "Our moments?" Bill leaned in. "I can never have enough of our moments..."

I glanced away. He was obviously using the time he had on me for a reason - I just didn't know why. "Bill-"

"What? Denying our passion for each other?" Bill inquired.


"Then let me kiss you again." His tone was stern, like he had to.

My eyes widened at the certainty in his voice, and I didn't draw away as he leaned in and kissed me again. He seemed sad, all of a sudden. Like something oppressing was about to happen.

Bill let his glass float and pressed himself against me and I gasped as he deepened the kiss and I involuntarily let the glass go so it shattered on to the floor. He seemed just so desperate. Bill wrapped an arm around me and brought one to my cheek.

I tried to draw away. " something wrong?"

Bill didn't seem to want to stop, but he opened his eyes, a sad glint in them. "Arrow, it's best if I leave it alone."

"Then why are you kissing me like it's the last thing you'll ever do?" I questioned him, panicked.

"It's not the last thing I'll ever do...just..." He leaned in again, but I pushed him away, concerned.

"Bill." My tone was firm. "What's happening?"

A demon suddenly came up to Bill and spoke a language I didn't understand and left.

"It's...time for the dance..." He sound uncertain as he drew away from the wall.

I wanted to continue asking him questions, but he seemed reluctant to continue. He took my hand and hurried out to the middle of the ballroom. "Bill, let me talk to you. What is happening?"

"Nothing." He responded tersely.

I narrowed my gaze and he started dancing to the music. The dance wasn't like last time, my mind wasn't focused on his body or him kissing me, it was focused on whatever was wrong with him. "I know something's-"

"Just drop the topic please." Bill interrupted me hastily.

"Bill!" I whisper screamed. "Why are you keeping secrets from me?!"

"We all keep secrets and this is for your own good, just leave it alone." Bill's angry gaze saddened and he sighed deeply. "Eleanor," he said my name low and softly, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I never knew feelings - human feelings - could be this strong. But they are. I don't know what to do exactly, but being with you and kissing you and joking with you is all a part of it." Bill couldn't reach my gaze. "You just have to understand that."

"Bill, what's happening...?" I asked.

Bill lightly kissed my forehead. "Nothing that you have to worry about right now."

My heart contracted. "Bill....please..."

He ignored me and continued dancing.

I took a very deep breath and leaned into him, closing my eyes. I felt his breath hitch, but he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I tried to decipher what was happening to him, but it was obviously some demon-business thing.

He seemed so stressed and that it scared me. I was just beginning to actually accept him and something - of course - was going to interfere.

"Promise me you're ok?" I asked, my eyes still closed and leaning into his chest.

Bill was silent for a moment, non-responsive. "I...promise."

Part of me believed that he was lying, but I just held onto him, relishing his familiar and oddly comforting presence. Bill had never really acted scared for anything, so whatever major thing was going to happen, it had to be big and dangerous. I didn't want him getting hurt...

I buried my face in his chest and we danced in utter silence.

"It'll be ok..." Bill assured me and drew a hand over my head.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the tile floor. "I hope so..."

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now