Chapter 27

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Dipper's POV

I marched out of the bubble, my fury rate was sky high. What the heck was wrong with her?! Me trying do what I had almost done was shameful and she threw it back in my face. I looked back at the bubble as I stood on the rails. I felt a feeling of guilt swamp over me. Maybe I reacted too harsh...-

No. That was low of her to do.

I marched down the rails and climbed down. What a waist of my time. I went to jump down since I only had two feet left. I was only a feet down the jump when I froze in midair.

"No, no, no. Not again." I noticed a red aura surround me. I looked up to see Bill floating down.

"Hey Pine Tree!" He said smugly.

"What do you want?!" I grumbled.

"I just had a little chat with Arrow! So, I guess you were just in there..." His gaze became cold.

"Yes...we were just talking. It's not like we can do much with each other! She's chained up! I'm fending for myself." That's when I paused. I should have given Eleanor some food and water. What type of friend would just leave another to starve.

"Ah, I see." Bill said sarcastically.

"Can you just leave me alone?! Doesn't look like I'm causing any trouble around here, am I?" I said as I twisted in the air squeamishly.

"Well, you are trying to stop me, aren't you?" Bill asked.

I went silent at that.

"And you've been walking all over Gravity Falls, haven't yah?" Bill pointed at my wrist where the shackle was.

I growled at my fault. That stupid shackle... I clenched my teeth together tightly. "Well...yes, but how can I stop you?" I asked angrily.

Bill paused thoughtfully. "Hm, I don't think there's a way." I restrained myself from saying that he was lying. I wanted him to think I wasn't any problem.

"Then let me go!" I said stubbornly.

"Fine." Bill dropped me onto the ground. "Have fun wandering around. But face it Pine Tree, you have no power against me. With all three of you separated from each other, there is no power on earth that could stop me!"

I hid my resentment from him, even though it was utterly clear. I kept on contemplating how had this world turned to this. I shot a glare up at Bill. "Please don't hurt Eleanor..." I begged.

"I'll think about that." Bill said bluntly.

I didn't dare to meet his gaze again. And when I looked up, he was gone. I sighed and began my climb back up. I couldn't leave a conversation hanging like that, and I couldn't let Eleanor starve.

Eleanor's POV

I was just starting to actually fall asleep when I heard footsteps once again. I shot up immediately and looked around. I saw Dipper walking to me.

"Wait, what, why are you back?" I asked confused.

Dipper lowered his gaze to the black tile. "I couldn't leave our conversation at that. Besides...I have food."

I lightened up at the mention of food. I sat up cross legged. Maybe it was wrong that I had adapted to the chains on me already. Dipper pulled out a small sandwich and handed it to me. I snatched it and took a bite into it, relishing every bit of it.

"Thanks for coming back..." I mumbled between bites.

Dipper shrugged. "So, right before I came back, Bill spoke to me...again."

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