Chapter 14

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Eleanor 2's POV

I still couldn't believe the spell had actually worked! Now my petty feelings that had been getting in my way we're gone forever and I could complete this task flawlessly.

I then teleported back to where Bill left the journals. I picked up journal 1 and journal 3 and- wait.

Where was journal 2?

I screamed. "NO!" That other side of me, that other Eleanor had taken the journal! Where was she now?! Oh, she was going down! I raced off into the forest in a fit of rage.

Well, well, well. Looks like you're back in the game.

"Yes Bill, I need to focus right now. The other Eleanor has journal 2." I explained hastily.

Why'd you do the spell in the first place if your good side would still get in the way.

I rolled my eyes. "Please. I did it for good reason, but I should have killed her instead." I finally found the Mystery Shack.

Pine Tree and Shooting Star were running inside and the other Eleanor was right behind them. As soon as the twins disappeared inside I snatched the other Eleanor with my powers and dragged her back.

She let out a shriek as she dangled in the air. "Let me GO!" She screamed. She swung her fists aimlessly around.

I laughed at her feeble attempts. "Listen up Ella, I just need to kill you for a bit so you're no longer a nuisance."

"NO! Never!" She screamed at me.

I rolled my eyes. "You really think screaming that type of stuff is going to stop me from-"

"Hey you! Drop Eleanor right now!"

I looked down and saw Pine Tree and Shooting Star glaring up at me.

I chuckled. "Oh look, you hired two kindergarteners to do your dirty work."

Eleanor growled at me. "Let me go!" She looked down at the twins. "Guys, please! Think of something!"

Dipper pulled out a book. Journal 2. I gasped as everything narrowed down to that journal. Eleanor slipped from my grip as I raced down to the journal 2.

"DIPPER!" The other Eleanor cried.

Dipper looked up and screamed. He closed the book quickly.

"Dipper! Throw it!" She called out again.

Dipper looked in her direction and then flung the journal with all his might. Eleanor stood to her feet and caught it in mid-air. Mabel then ran up to her and they all began running. I screamed at them.


Eleanor's POV

I raced into the forest with Dipper and Mabel right behind me. I can't believe I had actually been that insane... I held tightly onto the journal as we appeared to be running back to the lake.

"Dipper! Where can we hide?!" I screamed.

Dipper scrunched up his nose as he ran. "Uh, the falls! There's a cave back there! We can steal Thompson's boat!"

I nodded and handed the journal 2 to Dipper to put in his vest. We ran down into the dirt road and soon we were nearing the lake.

A bright flash of white exploded in front of us and Eleanor 2 stood in front of me. I screamed and threw Dipper backwards since he had the journal. Eleanor 2 stalked up to me with a smirk. "Hand me the journal!"

I showed her my hands. "I don't have it! You can have fun searching for it in the forest." I crossed my arms.

Eleanor 2 glared at me. "Oh sure, I know you have it!"

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