Chapter 49

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Eleanor's POV

I stood stiffly atop of the grassy hill, the breeze still blowing swiftly. "I-I-"

Dipper reached up and kissed me quickly. "Goodbye Eleanor..." The dream suddenly began to tear apart.

"NO! Dipper! Please!" I cried. His hands suddenly turned to vapor and he vanished right before me. "DIPPER!" The ground began peeling away, leaving me to fall down, down, down...

I shot up in bed, screaming. Sweat dripped down my face and my pulse was racing. Ghost barked at my sudden movement. I looked down at the puppy and realized what a cruel joke my dog was. Give me a dog, and name it Ghost, just like Dipper was... I felt like confronting Bill about that totally cruel joke, but I assured myself it was just a coincidence.

"Dipper." I whispered. I had seen him at least one more time. At least one more time. I hugged my knees tightly and held myself. He looked so heartbroken when he told me I loved Bill. "It's not true..." Tears fell down my face. Ghost licked my arm and I nudged him away. I wanted Dipper to be back.

The door to my room flew open and Bill stood there, heaving for breath. "What happened?! I heard you scream!"

I glared at him irately as tears fell down my face. "Dipper doesn't want to be with me!"

Bill's worried gaze shifted and he stood up straight, his eye hostile. "Dipper is dead-"

"He visited me in a dream, ok?! He told me! But I don't want you!" I turned away and squeezed my pillows.

Bill flinched back in pain. "A-Arrow...I-"

"Bill! Please! Think about it, I'm fourteen, your a trillion years old. I'm a're a demon!" I fixed my angry stare upon him. "What do you expect?!"

Bill lowered his head and studied his bare feet. "I thought-"

"You thought wrong! If Dipper was still alive none of this would have happened!" I took a deep shaky breath. "Get out of my room!"

Bill stood his ground before marching forward. "No."

I took deep breathes, my body filled with rage and sorrow. "No?" I repeated. "I told you get out, leave me alone."

Bill shook his head. "No. Arrow, you're too important to me for me to just walk away." He was struggling with every word. "I can't just leave."

I felt uncertainty trying to peek it's way inside of me, but I forced it back. "No Bill. I can't anymore! I just want this to be over!" I buried my face into my pillow. "This is torture..."

Bill tried to walk closer and I coward into my bed. "I'm sorry! You don't understand that I can't - just- UGH!" Bill slammed the door close, his skin heating up.

I flinched back in fear. Don't hurt me...

Bill heard my thoughts and clenched his hands tightly in restraint. "S-sorry." He stuttered.

It was strange hearing stammer like that. "'re not."

"I don't want to hurt you. I promise." Bill assured me.

"But still, don't touch me." I ordered him.

Bill fixed his glare upon me. "What's your problem? One minute you're kissing me and then the next you're saying you hate me!" He threw his hands up. "Why?!"

I could feel my body trembling. "Because I'm terrified. I don't know what's going on and..." I took in a deep, shaky breath.

"You don't have to be scared..." He said in his best calming voice. "I'm confused too, but I'm doing my best to act straight."

I covered my face with my hands. "God, I hate this. It's so hard..." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I don't know what's happening..."

Bill frowned at me in pity. "Sorry I scared you by getting angry... I'm trying my best to not snap."

I made my eyes stay closed so I couldn't see the regret in his eye. But I felt the regret. "Don't apologize, everyone gets angry..."

Bill was visibly shocked that I had defended him. "I-uh.... Ok." Bill took one step at a time, very slowly, towards me. "Can I sit by you?" He asked quietly.

I stayed silent as I thought. "S-sure..."

Bill planted himself on the edge of the bed beside me, with my head still buried between my knees. "Don't be scared." His voice sounded broken.

I peeked an eye out and the pained look in his eye. "Why you being so, I don't know, human all of a sudden?" I questioned quietly.

Bill shrugged. "You're changing me."

I blushed lightly at that. "Really?" My voice lowered.

Bill nodded slowly. "It's weird, but true. I want you to be happy,"

I almost asked about Dipper again, before Bill added: ", with me." I closed my mouth quickly before he realized I had almost spoken. "O-oh..."

Bill sighed deeply. "I know I already asked you this, but I was drunk. So, do you hate me?"

I raised my head I decided the bear his heavy gaze. "I don't know."

Bill lowered his eyes to the ground. "You don't know?" He repeated in slight disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"It means, I don't know if I hate you or not. I hate you for reason, but then I still pity you and feel bad." I crossed my arms and stared at the ground as well.

Bill played with the hem of his shirt. "Oh."

I could feel the disappointment on him. "But," I said quickly, "I did kiss you. So... Who knows."

Bill smiles ever so slightly at that. "Right." He stood up from my bed. "I'm sorry you had a nightmare." He walked to my door.

"Bill, it wasn't a nightmare." I blurted out, running to the door.

Bill paused, holding the handle, already outside of me room. "But you were screaming?"

"Only the end was terrifying." I said guiltily, now pressing my hand on the door.

"What was that?" He asked.

My hands trembled. "When he told me the truth." I couldn't bear to see his reaction so I closed the door and went back to my bed, laying down and closed my eyes forcibly.

You were right Dipper....

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now