Chapter 13

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Eleanor's POV

I. Was. Terrified.

I was terrified of what Bill would say and do to me. I was terrified about what Pine Tree and Shooting Star said. I was terrified of myself. I tried to hide, but I felt like I was being watched.
And I was.


"No! No! Leave me alone! I'm sorry!" I screamed.

Oh Eleanor, you've ruined everything.

"I know! I didn't mean to!" I cried out desperately. I collapsed onto the ground and tugged at my hair.

You're failing me Eleanor, I don't know if I can even trust you anymore.

"What?! No! You can, just-"

I've heard your thoughts...those deceiving thoughts...

"Bill, please, I'm sorry." I whispered. "It's just that Dipper and Mabel-"

Dipper and Mabel? I didn't know you called them that...

"What? Oh...I don' just slipped out." I said quickly.

Mhm... I don't think I can use you Eleanor. You are slipping away from me.

"No! I'll fix this! I promise! I'll find a way!" I stood up rapidly. "Please! Just give me some time to figure it out!"


"I'll fix this....I'll fix this." I took a couple seconds to think. The journals! I thought excitedly. Maybe it'll actually help me! I began to race over to the spot where Bill was. I soon could see the glowing symbols in the distance. I ran up and found the journals.

Wait. Maybe I could complete the diagram if I could just get that stinking journal 2. No. Right now I had to fix my problem. I grabbed journal 1 and flipped through the pages. There had to be some type of plant or spell or potion that could help me...

Nothing in journal 1, gotta try journal 3. I flipped through the pages in hope of something of what I needed, but I got nothing...

Oh no.

Journal 2.

I slapped my face. Something like this HAD to be in journal 2. I sighed. It was about time I went and stole it anyways. I flew over to the shack and made sure Shooting Star and Pine Tree weren't there. Nope, the cost was clear. I snuck over to the vending machine and went down to the where the portal was. I peeked in. Nothing. I smiled brightly. It was perfect.

Journal 2 sat on a desk, open to a particular page. I snatched up the journal and set another book in its place. I smiled as I held it. Now, I just had to get out of here and all would be well.

I went to go back to the elevator when I heard a loud clanging noise, the sound of the elevator...

I stiffened up and ran out to the opening where the portal was hanging on the wall. I looked around frantically. I decided to hide outside the window where who ever was coming down couldn't see me.

I pressed myself against the wall and listened. The person didn't speak, I just heard footsteps. Wait, it was Stan.

I peered around the corner and saw him walk up to the desk and sit down. He began flipping switches so the portal would activate. It was no longer how it was when I brought Bill into the real world, it was back to its original form. I sighed. Oh well.

The lights suddenly crackled and exploded on it, sending sparks. Stan ran out, not noticing me. I held in my gasp and turned invisible and snuck back inside. Stan stood in front of the portal.

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now